均适用|初中英语必考八大时态结构及用法详解,初一、初二、初三均适用!( 四 )

The film had been on for 5 minutes when I got to the cinema.
3. 某些表意向的动词(如intend, think, plan, expect, hope等)的过去完成时表示主语未曾实现的愿望、希望、打算 。 如:
I had intended to visit you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.
We had hoped that you would come, but you didn’t.
4. (虚拟语气)在条件状体从句或wish / would rather等后面的从句中 , 使用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的主观愿望 。 如:
The party wouldn’t have been so perfect if you hadn’t come.
I wish I had gone with you to the concert that day.
5. 过去完成时与一般过去时
1) 基本区别:过去完成时表示以过去某时间为起点以前所发生的动作或存在的状态 , 即过去完成时强调“过去的过去” , 而一般过去时只表示以现在时间为起点以前所发生的事情或存在的状态 。 如:
He studied there two years ago.他两年前在那儿学习(离现在两年)
He said he had studied there two years before.他说他两年前在那儿学习过 。 (离他说话时两年)
2) 特别注意:两个动作如果按顺序发生 , 又不强调先后 , 或者用then, and, but等连词连接时 , 多用一般过去时 。 如:
When she saw the mouse, she screamed.
My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it.
标志:would + 动词原形
1. 表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态 , 一般用于主句为过去时的宾语从句中 。 如:
He said he would come here next Friday.
I knew that he would help us when we were in trouble.
2. 表示过去的动作习惯或倾向:
The old man would sit on a bench in the quite park for hours without doing anything.
When I worked on that farm, I would get up at 5 am.
3. 用于虚拟语气中:
If I were you, I would not do that.
If he were here, he would show us how to do it.
4. 过去将来时的其他形式
1) was / were going to + 动词原形 。 如:
He told us that he was going to attend the meeting.
She said that I was going to be sent to meet her at the railway station.
2) was / were to + 动词原形 。 如:
The building was to be completed next month.
Li Lei was to arrive soon.
3) was / were about to + 动词原形 。 如:
We were about to leave there when it began to rain heavily and suddenly.
He was about to have lunch when the bell rang.
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