【默写|双减”进行时 | 洪雅田锡中学第一届英语艺术节第三弹--九年级英语默写大赛】
为持续推进“双减”政策 ,
圆满结束后 ,
In order to continue to promote the "Double Reduction" policy ,after the second round of the English Arts Festival —— The successful completion of the eighth grade English hand-copied newspaper competition, our school ninth grade students organized the third round--the English dictation competition!
词汇是语言的基础 , 就如同高楼大厦的一砖一瓦 。 英语水平的高低在很大程度上取决于词汇的多少 , 而中考考纲词汇对于初三年级的学生应对中考更加重要 。
Vocabulary is the foundation of language, just like the bricks of a tall building. The level of English is largely determined by the number of vocabulary. The vocabulary of the high school entrance examination syllabus is more important for students in the third grade of junior high school entrance examination.
英语教研组的老师们进行充分讨论 , 选出默写范围 , 题型分别为英译汉、汉译英 。
The teachers of the English group had a full discussion and selected the dictation range.The question types we re English to Chinese and Chinese to English respectively.
Let's take a look at the preparation of the students before the game!
Here we go!
比赛中学生们热情投入 , 沉着冷静 , 书写干净整洁 ,现场紧张有序 , 他们全力以赴 , 发挥自己的能力 , 争取获得最好的成绩 , 展现了初三年级学生良好的英语学习学风 。
During the competition, the students were enthusiastic, composed, and wrote clean and tidy.The atmosphere was tense and orderly. They went all out to give full play to their abilities and strove for the best results. It showed the good English learning style of the third grade students.
通过本次大赛 , 学生们了解了自己英语单词的掌握情况 , 做到了查漏补缺 , 老师也可以很好地督促学生在每日的学习中合理规划考纲词汇的学习 , 为下学期的英语中考做准备 。
Through this competition, students learned about their mastery of English vocabulary and were able to check for omissions. Teachers c ould also supervise students to plan the vocabulary learning of the examination syllabus reasonably in their daily study and prepare for the next semester's English high school entrance examination. Let's take a look at the awards:
- 教师|北大韦神“真实处境”跌下神坛,学生退课,班级人数不到10人
- 安徽|海南一大学生不知安徽省会,连猜两个都不对,直接“得罪”两个省
- 考研|“考研初试第三被刷,只因没提前联系导师”,知情人道出其中实情
- 基础教育|又一“铁饭碗”招聘,工作稳定福利好,有望拿50万安家费和补贴
- 考试|“考第一请吃海底捞”,考试成绩出来后,老师感叹:是给自己挖坑
- 教育部|终于轮到高中生“减负”了,教学进度将大幅调整,教育部已有通知
- 质量|学校有规模,教育才有质量,解决乡村“麻雀小学”问题,刻不容缓
- 讲座|贺昌中学·清华大学美术学院共同举办“以美育人”高峰论坛
- 教育部|吕梁市教育局通知:做好寒假期间“双减”工作
- 时间线|撰写年度计划(3):“两纵”