【Qiushi Journ 社会】(Excerpts from Embarking on a New Journey Toward High-Quality Social Security by Zhang Jinan, Qiushi Journal, No. 04, 2021)
Enhancing the efficiency of social security by adapting to the trends of digital transformation
Digital development has fundamentally transformed traditional modes of production, commercial models, and ways of life, and given rise to a continuous stream of new and flexible forms of employment. These new employment forms, especially those that are arranged through online platforms, are exhibiting many new characteristics in terms of labor relations, job positions, working hours, wages, and so on. As the existing social security system has yet to adapt to these characteristics, some groups do not yet have access to social security or are insufficiently covered. Adapting to the trends of digital development, we will carry out active explorations to enhance the flexibility, inclusiveness, and adaptability of the social security system, develop new service methods, and continuously improve management and service levels.
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