电影|2022高考一轮复习资料:20篇高考英语话题作文大汇总( 二 )

We should have the strong will and behave ourselves.
自从我上了高中 , 我就住在学校 , 远离父母 。
我有3个室友 , 刚开始 , 我们不习惯同处一室 , 但是如今 , 我们已经习惯了 。 有一个室友让我印象很深刻 , 自从她住进我们的房间 , 她就有在我们睡觉的时候保持看小说的习惯 。 她告诉我们在她和父母住在一起的时候 , 她不敢看小说 , 因为她妈妈会责怪她那么晚睡觉 。 如今她很高兴再也不受控制了 , 似乎她得到了自由 。 但是我为她感到遗憾 , 因为她现在已经近视 , 而且 , 在学习方面也落后于其他同学 。 离开了父母 , 她不够强大 , 无法自律 。
我们应该有坚强的意志 , 并且自律 。
The Changes of My Hometown
My hometown is located at the outside of the city.
I was born and grew up there. It was a little village with natural scenery of green mountains a beautiful river and lovely village houses. In the summer I liked to go to picnic under the mountain and swim in the river.
But now my hometown has changed. The mountains were blown down to build the factories and the river was polluted by the waste water from those factories. There are no more green mountains but the smoking factories. The water of the river turns black and stinks and I can never swim in it again. The village houses are gone too and the ugly storied houses with walls are there instead.
I don t like the changes of my hometown it is a polluted hometown.
我的家乡坐落在城市外 。
我在那里出生和长大 。 它是一个小村庄 , 有着绿色的山、美丽的河还有漂亮的小屋的自然的风景 。 夏天里 , 我喜欢去山脚下野炊 , 到河里游泳 。
但是现在我的家乡变了 。 群山被炸平用来建工厂 , 河水被这些工厂里的废水所污染 。 再也没有绿色的山 , 只有冒着烟的工厂 。 河里的水变成黑色还散发恶臭 , 我再也不能在里面游泳了 。 还有那些小屋也消失了 , 取而代之的是丑陋的带围墙的楼房 。
我不喜欢家乡的变化 , 这是一个被污染了的家乡 。
The People I Respect the Most
The people I respect the most is my father.
He is a doctor. He is always busy with work. Since I could remember he has never spent a whole weekend to stay with me. He goes to the hospital very early before I get up and comes back home after I sleep. But I doesn t matter at all. He is a hero to me. He devotes almost all the time to his patients and many lives are saved.
He always says a man should have dignity integrity honor and most of all be helpful to others. This affects me deeply so I work hard so that someday I can be the man like my father.
我最尊敬的人是我的父亲 。
他是一名医生 。 他的工作总是很忙 。 从我记事起 , 他就从来没有陪我过过一个完整的周末 。 他每天在我起床前就去医院了 , 回来的时候我已经睡着 。 但是我一点也不介意 , 他在我的眼里是个英雄 。 他几乎把所有的时间都献给了他的病人 , 很多人的生命因此得救 。
他总是说 , 一个男人应该有尊严、正直、荣誉 , 更重要的是 , 帮助他人 。 这对我的影响很深 , 我正努力 , 就是为了有一天成为一个像我父亲一样的男人 。
Taking The Exercise
Today as the development of the electronic products people like to use electronic products very much. They count on these products because they are so convenient and funny. So people pay a lot of attention on the electronic products and most people even don t like to go out and they spend all the day playing the computer games.
Staying too much time indoors is not good for people s health they need to walk out of the house and take the exercise. It is advised that we should take exercise for an hour everyday. We can take the jogging early in the morning or in the evening. We can not only take in the fresh air but also can see different scenery.
