电影|2022高考一轮复习资料:20篇高考英语话题作文大汇总( 六 )

I think I will continue to keep bike as my favorite transportation.
在我很小的时候 , 看到其他小孩子骑自行车 , 我会很羡慕 , 我觉得他们很酷 。 因此我很努力去学习骑自行车 。 我仍然记得在我学会骑自行车那天 , 我为自己感到自豪 。
今天 , 自行车仍然是我最爱的交通方式 。 一方面 , 我能锻炼身体 。 我骑着自行车上学 , 事实上 , 我也确实有着强壮的体魄 , 因为我几乎不生病 。 另一方面 , 骑自行车能保护我们的环境 。 自行车需要我们的腿来工作 , 而不是汽油 。 汽油燃烧会释放出污染我们环境的气体 。 因此骑车是保护我们环境的好方法 。
我觉得我会继续保持着自行车是我最爱的交通方式 。
The Amazing 4D
As the development of the technology people can enjoy what the high-technology brings.
Before people watched the movie with watching the screen but in recent years the new technology called 3D gives people an enjoyable way to enjoy the movie. The special feature of 3D is that it gives people the real vision. When people put on the 3D glasses they will feel as if they are in the movie witnessing all the things happens.
But now 4D is coming it is more advantaged than 3D it makes people feel more closer to the scene. When there is shocking things the chair will move a little and people feel what s happening in the movie.
The high technology brings people a lot of fun. In the future I believe that there will be more and more high technology invented.
随着科技的发展 , 人们可以享受到高科技所带来的一切 。
以前 , 人们通过看屏幕来看电影 , 但是近些年来 , 一种称为3D的新技术给人们来到了观看电影的愉快方式 。 3D的特别之处在于它给人们带来了真实的视觉 , 当人们戴上3D眼镜 , 他们会觉得似乎就在电影里 , 见证了所有的事情 。
但是如今 , 4D也出来了 , 它比3D更加的先进 , 让人们觉得更加的接近场景 。 当电影里发生了大事件时 , 椅子就会震动一下 , 人们感受到在电影里面发生的事情 。
高科技给人们带来了很多乐趣 , 在将来 , 我相信会发明出越来越多的高科技 。
The Hot Summer
When July comes it is the hottest time of the whole summer. Many of my friends have chosen to travel to the cool place so as to avoid the stuffy air.
As for me I don t like to travel in this hot weather. I just want to stay indoors and enjoy the quiet moment. I like to sit near the window watching outside scenery. Sometimes I will read some books enjoy the novel and make myself lost in the fiction world. The things I like to do most is to find a coffee shop and then choose a table that is near the window so that I can see all the situation. I will bring my computer and then play the computer for the whole afternoon.
It is what I like to do in the summer. I enjoy it.
七月到来之际 , 是整个夏天最热的时候 。 我很多朋友都选择去凉爽的地方旅行 , 顺便躲避闷热的空气 。
对于我来说 , 我不喜欢在这种炎热的天气旅行 , 我只想呆在家里 , 享受安静的时刻 。 我喜欢坐在窗户旁边 , 看外面的风景 。 有时我会看一些书 , 享受小说的熏陶 , 沉迷于小说的世界里 。 我最喜欢做的事就是找一家咖啡店 , 然后选择一张靠近窗户的桌子 , 这样我就可以看到所有的场景 。 我会带上我的电脑 , 然后玩一整个下午 。
这是我在夏天喜欢做的事 。 我也非常享受这样的时刻 。
The Loyal Dog
Many people like to raise a pet to company them. Especially as there are more only child keeping a pet can fill the blank space of a sibling. Dogs are most people s choice for they are said to be the loyal friends.
