【Canal|文都教育21年12月英语四级翻译真题答案:大运河】大运河(Grand Canal)是世界上最长的人工河 , 北起北京 , 南至杭州 。 它是中国历史上最宏伟的工程之一 。 大运河始建于公元前4世纪 , 公元13世纪末建成 。 修建之初是为了运输粮食 , 后来也用于运输其他商品 。 大运河沿线区域逐渐发展成为中国的工商业中心 。 长久以来 , 大运河对中国的经济发展发挥了重要作用 , 有力地促进了南北地区之间的人员往来和文化交流 。
The Grand Canal is the longest man-made river in the world, stretching from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. It is one of the grandest projects in Chinese history. The Grand Canal was founded in the 4th century BC and was taken shape at the end of the 13th century. It was built to transport grain at the beginning, and later it was also used to transport other commodities. The area along the Grand Canal has gradually blossomed into the industrial and commercial center in China. The Grand Canal has been playing a critical role in China’s economic rise for a long time, strongly promoting the personnel exchanges and cultural communication between the southern and northern regions
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