
practise过去分词:practised ;
用作及物动词时后面可接名词、动名词,不能接不定式 。practise的基本意思是“练习”、“训练”,也可用来表示“实行”和“开业从事于” 。如:
①She has been practising the some tune on the piano for nearly an hour.
她在钢琴上一直练同一个调子已近一个小时了 。
②They”re practising singing the new song.
他们正在练习唱那首新歌 。

③We practised pronouncing the sound again and again.
我们一遍又一遍地练习发这个音 。
④It”s very important to practise listening.
练习听力是非常重要的 。
⑤He practised tennis/the piano for two hours every day.
他每天下午练两个小时网球/钢琴 。
⑥Our income is getting smaller and we have to practise economy.
我们的收入变少了,所以只好厉行节约 。

⑦He began to practise medicine/the law in his early twenties.
他在二十刚出头时就开业行医/开始做律师了 。
① Practise more and you”ll make progress.
勤练习,你一定会进步的 。
②Don” t forget to practise after class. 课后别忘了练习 。
practise的名词是 practice,两词发音一样,practice为不可数名词 。Practice makes perfect. 是一句谚语,意思是“熟能生巧” 。put the idea into practice表示“把思想付诸实践” 。
Before she went abroad, she spent as much time as she could________English.
to practise to speak
practising speaking
to practise speaking

practising to speak
B,在她出国之前,她用了很多时间练习英语 。
这里考查两个动词的搭配 。
第一个,spend time on sth/ in doing sth , in可省略,花时间做某事
第二个,practise 后接动名词,不接不定式 。
1. To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.
要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球 。
2. They righteously maintain that they do not practise rationing.
他们一本正经地坚称不实行定量配给制度 。
3. In Belgium only qualified doctors may practise alternative medicine.
在比利时只有资质合格的医生才能从事非传统医学工作 。
4. He ought to practise what he preaches.
他应该以身作则 。
5. The ways in which solicitors practise are varied.
事务律师的从业方式是多种多样的 。
6. Practise throwing a ball underarm.
练习低手投球 。
7. To this day young Zulu boys practise fighting.
直到现在年轻的祖鲁男孩还练习格斗 。
9. We must practise the strictest frugality and economy.
我们必须实行最严格意义上的俭省节约 。
10. You need to practise every day.
你需要每天练习 。
11. Role-play allows students to practise language in a safe situation.
角色扮演可以使学生练习语言,说错了也没关系 。
12. They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive.
13. The more you practise, the more skilful you'll become.
练习的次数越多, 熟练的程度越高.
14. We should increase production and practise strict economy.
15. The doctor is licensed to practise medicine.
1. 英语的英文是什么
2. practise是什么意思
3. practice的用法
4. 果汁的英语是什么
【practise的用法详解有哪些用法】5. 高兴的英文是什么
