suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

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suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

这个三个词都有:推测,假定之意,但是,含义和用法却大不相同 。
1.assume v. 设想,假定,以为,推定
指想当然地将未经证实的事进行设想、假定或推测,比较武断 。如:
I didn\’t see your cell phone, so I assumed you\’d left.
我没看见你的手机,所以我以为你离开了 。
People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet.
人们一见到我,就自以为对我了如指掌了 。
Putting two and two together, I assume that this was the car he used.
根据我的了解,我猜想这是他曾开过的车子 。
If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful
如果包装精美,我们就会认为里面装的也是好东西 。
suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

I hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams.
我希望明年上大学,当然是在我通过考试的前提下 。
Assuming that Dad agrees, when do you want to shop for a new car?
Assume A knows B is guilty.
假定甲知道乙应负罪责 。
Assuming he\’s still alive, how old would he be now?
I naively assumed that I would be paid for the work.
我天真地以为这活儿是有报酬的 。
He assumed, wrongly, that she did not care.
他误以为她并不在乎 。
It would be rash to assume that everyone will agree with you on this.
你要是认为在这件事上谁都会同意你的看法,那就太欠考虑了 。
I had assumed him to be a Belgian.
我本以为他是比利时人 。
I assume that you have heard the news. 料想你已经听到了那个消息 。
I assumed that you had known the result.
我假定你已经知道了结果 。(虽然我没证据,但我后续所有的行为都基于此假定)
I assume they will wait for us.
我假定她们会等我们 。(我不知道真的会不会,但我以她们会等作为前提)
2.presume v. [正式]假设,假定;相信;料想,认为
常指以已有的经验、信息等为依据进行合乎逻辑的推测、推断,有信心有证据的基础上的假定;但结论可能有误 。如:
I presumed (that) he understood the rules.
我相信他明白这些规则 。
I presumed him to be her husband.
我料想那就是她丈夫 。
suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

This logical analysis presumes the separation of subject from object.
该逻辑分析假定主体与客体是分开的 。
I presume that this price includes all transportation and accomodation fees.
我猜测,这个价钱包括一切交通费用和住宿费 。
I presume you\’re here on business.
我想你是来这里出差的 。
suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

I would never presume it would be ok for people to hug the Queen.
我从来不认为我们可以拥抱女王 。
3.suppose v. [正式]假定;猜想,推断,认为,料想,设想,假设
指在某一前提条件下或根据已有知识、信息等进行推测,有时用于表达意见 。
基于一些证据的猜测(认为) 。暗含着自己对对方所说的话信心不足,但自己目前无法证明对方是错误的 。另外也有假设的意思 。通常的用法是自己 suppose其他人 。如:
I suppose your presence here today is not entirely coincidental.
我认为你今天来这里不完全是碰巧 。
suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

These new friends of hers are supposed to be very rich.
她的这些新朋友想必都很富有 。
Well, I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45.
好吧,我想可以在3:45见你 。
suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法

Prices will go up, I suppose.
我觉得物价将会上涨 。
I suppose someone had to do it. (This is just what I guess. I may be wrong)
I should suppose him to be about sixty. 我猜想他大约60岁左右 。
【suppose的意思 suppose意思和用法】Let\’s suppose that he is right. 让我们假定他是对的 。
I had supposed his wife a younger woman.
我原以为他妻子要更年轻 。
She had supposed him (to be) very rich.
