theothers的用法 theother的用法

the,other的用法,theothers的用法 。小编来告诉你更多相关信息 。

theothers的用法 theother的用法

The other:特指两个或两部分中的另一个或另一部分 , 可接单数或者复数名词 , 表示两个中“一个……另一个……” , 常用结构式为:one…the other…
1.He has two brothers,one is a teacher, the other is a docter.
他有两个弟弟 , 一个是老师 , 另一个是医生 。
2.There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the other studentsdon’t.
我们班有48个学生 , 一些学习努力 , 其余的学生不努力 。
The others:特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”相当于the other+名词复数 , 指剩余的全部 。
There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the others don’t.
【theothers的用法 theother的用法】我们班有48个学生 , 一些学习努力 , 其余的不努力 。
Other:“其他的 , 另外的”位于名词前做定语 。
We learn chinese,English,math and other subjects.
我们学习语文、英语、数学和其他的学科 。
Others:相当于other+名词复数,指剩余的另一些 , 并非全部 。
1.Some students are doing homework,but others are talking loudly.
一些学生正在做作业 , 但是其他的再大声讲话 。
2.A lot of people are in the park, some are singing,others are dancing.
许多人在公园里面 , 一些在唱歌 , 其他的再跳舞 。
Another泛指同类事物中三者或三者以上中“另一个” , 只能代替或修饰单数可数名词 。
I don’t like this one,please show me another.
注意:another+名词单数=one more+名词单数
1.I want to have another apple.
=I want to have one more apple.
我想再吃一个苹果 。
2.We need another ten chairs.
=We need ten more/other chairs.
我们还需要十把椅子 。
Exercise:1.–Would you like to have______ cake?
–No,thanks.I’m full.
A.more B.another C.other
2.We have two foreign teachers here,one is from England,and ____ is fromAmerica.
A.another B.other
C.the other D.the others
3.We can\’t do it that way–but whether it will work is ____ matter.
A.other B.another
C.each D.every
4.Don\’t be afraid of making mistakes because it is simply ___ way of learning.
A.another B.the other
C.other C.the others
5.There is a chess club in our school.It has six girls and ___ are boys.
A.other B.others
C.the other D.the others
