高考英语高频语法考点 高考英语重点词汇语法考点( 四 )

The Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge,as we all know, was compl-
eted in 1969.我们都知道南京长江大桥,它建成于一九六九年 。(as代表先行词)
To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.(如)你们许多人(所做的那样)对事实视而
不见是愚蠢的 。(as代表主语部分)
As we know, the earth is round. 我们知道,地球是圆的 。
ask for 要求,请求
ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求 (要求)……
She asked for some advice on how to learn English well.
at a high/low price以高价/;低价;at 40 miles an hour 以每小时40英里的速度;at a high/low speed以高速/慢速;at an ordinary speed 以普通速度;at full/top speed以全速/高速;at a speed of 以……速
度 。
①公司决定以较低的价格将这批电视卖掉 。
The company decided to sell the TV sets _ __ _ __ __ _。
②火车正以每小时 150英里的速度前进 。
The train was running ______ _____ ______ _______150 miles an hour .
Key:①at, a, low, price②at,a, speed,of
at work 在工作;at table在吃饭;at play 在做游戏;at sea 出海;at university/college在上学;at night school在上夜校;at dinner/table在吃饭;at peace处于和平状态;at war在交战,在打仗
①别人在工作,不要吵闹 。
Don’t make any noise while others are ______ ________.
②孩子们在游戏,而他们的父母正在吃饭 。
The children were ______ ________ while their parents were_______ _______.
Key:①at, work
