好听的带英文的网名( 六 )

暴风雨的自由和树干的束缚携手舞蹈于飘摇的枝条中 。
The jasmine’s lisping of love to the sun is her flowers.
茉莉呢喃着用花朵来表达对太阳的爱恋 。
The tyrant claims freedom to kill freedom and yet to keep it for himself.
暴君宣扬自由是为了戕害自由,但他自己却占有自由 。
Gods, tired of their paradise, envy man.
诸神厌倦了他们的天国,对凡人心生艳羡 。
Clouds are hills in vapour, hills are clouds in stone — a phantasy in time’s dream.
烟霞之山汇而为云,乱石之云凝而为山,此即时光之梦的幻想 。
While God waits for His temple to be built of love, men bring stones.
上帝期待着以爱构筑他的神宇,人们却带着石头赶来 。
I touch God in my song as the hill touches the far away sea with its waterfall.
我藉由我的歌声触摸上帝,正如高山藉由瀑布触摸远海 。
Light finds her treasure of colours through the antagonism of clouds.
光线在与云霓的抗衡中觅到了她五光十色的珍宝 。
My heart today smiles at its past night of tears like a wet tree glistening in the sun after the rain is over.
我那今日之心含笑面对它滴泪的昨夜,宛如雨后初霁,一棵潮湿的树在阳光下辉光闪耀 。
I have thanked the trees that have made my life fruitful, but have failed to remember the grass that has ever kept it green.
我感谢那让我的生命硕果累累的树木,但忘却了使我生命常青的小草 。
The one without second is emptiness, the other one makes it true.
举世无双只是虚无,并蒂齐放才让它真实 。
Life’s errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole.
诸多生命之错泣求着慈悲之美调和它的孤寂,以实现与整体和谐统一 。
They expect thanks for the banished nest because their cage is shapely and secure.
他们庆幸旧居已荒废,因为笼子坚固且美观 。
In love I pay my endless debt to thee for what thou art.
不论你是什么,我那无穷的债务都会在爱中偿还 。
The pond sends up its lyrics from its dark in lilies, and the sun says, they are good.
小池在百合花丛倩影中献上它的抒情诗,太阳对其赞不绝口 。
Your calumny against the great is impious,
it hurts yourself
against the small it is mean,
for it hurts the victim.
因为它让受难者蒙受伤害 。
The first flower that blossomed on this earth was an invitation to the unborn song.
大地初绽的芳花是送给未来之歌的请柬 。
Dawn — the many coloured flower — fades, and then simple light fruit, the sun appears.
拂晓——这绚丽多彩的花儿——枯萎了,于是那淳朴的光明之果实——太阳冉冉升起 。
The muscle that has a doubt of its wisdom throttles the voice that would cry.
肌肉怀疑智慧扼杀了哭喊之声 。
The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out.
风企图用暴力掠取火焰,却令其熄灭了 。
Life’s play is swift.Life’s playthings fall behind one by one and are forgotten.
生命的游戏转瞬即终结,生命的玩具被逐件遗弃并忘却 。
My flower, seek not thy paradise in a fool’s buttonhole.
我的芳花啊,不要在愚者的纽扣洞里觅求你的天堂 。
Thou hast risen late, my crescent moon, but my night bird is still awake to greet thee.
我的新月啊,你已姗姗来迟,但我的夜莺仍清醒地问候你 。
Darkness is the veiled bride silently waiting for the errant light to return to her bosom.
黑夜是薄纱掩面的新娘,恬静地等待着那流转的光明重回她的怀抱 。
Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.
森林是大地对谛听的天宇无休止的倾诉 。
The burden of self is lightened when I laugh at myself.
当我自嘲时,自私的重负由之缓解 。
The weak can be terrible because they try furiously to appear strong.
弱小者也会令人畏惧,因为他们迫切希望表现得强悍 。
The wind of heaven blows, the anchor desperately clutches the mud, and my boat is beating its breast against the chain.
天堂之风乍起,锚拼为顾一切要抓住泥浆,我的小舟用胸膛紧偎着链锁 。
The spirit of death is one, the spirit of life is many.
When God is dead religion becomes one.
死亡具有惟一性,而生命却具有多种形式 。
当上帝死去,宗教便合而为一 。
The blue of the sky longs for the earth’s green, the wind between them sighs, “Alas.”
