
me too的中文意思是:我也是,其中too的英式发音为 [tu:],美式发音为 [tu:],意思是:太,也,很,非常 。
me too的用法
1、They're working me too hard. I'm too old for this
他们把我用得太狠了,我老了,干不了这种活儿啦 。
2、Let's keep to the subject, or you'll get me too confused.
别跑题,否则你会把我搞糊涂的 。
3、'I've got a great feeling about it.' — 'Me too.'
“我感觉这次一定没问题 。”——“我也是 。”

4、I have a bag. Me too!
我有一个包,我也有 。
5、So you've deceived me too!
6、Praying still that you need me too.
祈祷你仍然需要我了 。
7、I'm just waiting for him to say my wife left me too.
我只是在等他说我的妻子也离开了我 。

8、I liked him very much, and I thought he loved me too.
【metoo中文是啥意思】我非常喜欢他,我想他也爱我 。
