元宵节手抄报简笔画简单又漂亮 元宵节手抄报简笔画( 四 )

2Valentine's day Lantern Festival, the smell of roses to eat sweet dumplings, the fifteen Lantern Festival and Valentine's day happy to meet, especially in this romantic holiday, wish friends good luck to double, double, sweet sweet day, business is booming!
3、真神奇,元宵情人碰一起 。节日气氛更浓郁,满街鲜花花灯比 。双双对对捧玫瑰,共品汤圆共赏月 。月圆之夜人团圆,开开心心露笑意 。父母看见也欢喜,忙忙碌碌无累意 。只愿早日成婚配,好事成双人成对!祝双节快乐!
3. It's amazing that the lantern lovers meet together. The festive atmosphere is more full-bodied, flowers than street lantern. Both pairs of roses, a total of soup round the moon. The night of the moon is reunion, with a smile of heart and heart. Parents see also happy, busy and no tired. Just want to marry at an early date, good things become pairs! I wish you a happy double.
4、元宵节要到了,祝愿您的家庭像汤圆一样“团团圆圆”,爱情像汤圆一样“甜甜蜜蜜”,事业像汤圆一样“越滚越大”,财源像煮汤圆一样“滚滚而来”,朋友像汤圆一样“实实在在” 。祝朋友你元宵节甜甜美美,圆圆满满!
the Lantern Festival is coming, wish your family like Glutinous Rice Balls as "round round", "sweet love" like "Glutinous Rice Balls career Glutinous Rice Balls, like a snowball," money like boiled "Glutinous Rice Balls coming", like friends as "real Glutinous Rice Balls". I wish you the sweet, beautiful, round and full of your Lantern Festival.
5、圆圆的汤圆还未品,圆圆的灯笼还未点,皎皎的明月还未圆,红红的鞭炮还未燃 。我抢在花灯的前面,抢在满满的祝福前面,抢在举国欢庆的前面,抢在铺天盖地的短信前面,抢在正月十五佳节前 。心中的祝愿总提前,预祝你元宵佳节快乐,好运连连!
round Glutinous Rice Balls has not yet, the round lantern, the shining moon is not round, red firecrackers are not burning. I grabbed the front of the lantern, grabbed the full blessing, and grabbed the front of the national celebration, grabbed the bloting message before grabbing the fifteen festival of the first month. My wish is always ahead of time. I wish you a happy festival in the Lantern Festival and good luck.
6、一碗汤圆一份甜,一份情谊在心田;一杯佳酿抒豪情,一份温情御风寒;一盏红灯情似火,一条短信心中暖 。在又一个元宵节来临之际,祝您阖家康安!
a bowl of Glutinous Rice Balls a sweet, a friendship in the heart; a cup of wine and pride, a warm wind and cold; a red light feeling like fire, a heart warming message. In a lantern festival is approaching, I wish you a conn!
7、元宵圆,元宵缘,圆圆的元宵吃出源源的缘;元宵圆,那是亲人缘,身在天涯盼团圆;元宵圆,那是情人缘,携手人间多美满;元宵圆,那是朋友缘,志趣相投伴一生;元宵圆,那是贵人缘,前途顺利有财发 。元宵节快乐!
7lantern lantern edge, round, round lantern eat flow margin; it is round lantern, family reunion, who in the world; the lantern circle, it is Valentine's edge, a human hand in hand; the lantern round, that is a friend, with like-minded life; the lantern circle, it is elegant edge the future, smooth caifa. Happy Lantern Festival!
8moon round, round round lantern, but is the family reunion; bright lanterns, fireworks bright, bright but the mood is bright; songs of joy, laughter and joy, but the music is a sapping of joy; family friends blessing, blessing, but the most beautiful is my blessing! Hey, blessed to send blessings, the year of the horse will be rich! Wish you a happy lantern festival!
