come home
读音:英 [k?m h??m]、美 [k?m ho?m]
释义:回家 。
【comehome是什么意思 come home是什么意思中文翻译?】造句:
1、After you've gained some experience teaching abroad you can come home and get a job.
在你获得一些在国外教学的经验后,你可以回家找份工作 。
2、Should I come home? Are you awake? What time is it on Mars?
3、Or ever come home and discover more messes you have to clean up?
4、If the kids are homesick, they can come home or watch French television.
如果孩子们想家,他们可以回家或收看法语的电视节目 。
5、His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm.
等到晚上9点他还未回家,他的家人便报警了 。
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