林巧稚英文简介作文 林巧稚英文简介

林巧稚,中国妇产科学的主要开拓者、奠基人之一,被尊称为“万婴之母”、“生命天使”、“中国医学圣母”,下面是我为你整理的林巧稚英文简介,希望对你有用 。
Lin Qiaozhi (December 23, 1901 - April 22, 1983), medical scientist. She is in the fetal palace breathing, female pelvic disease, gynecological tumors, neonatal hemolytic disease and other aspects of the study made a contribution to China's obstetrics and gynecology is a major pioneer, one of the founders.
She is the first Chinese maternity and obstetrics director of the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital and the first female academy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician), although the life did not get married, but personally delivered more than 50,000 babies, was known as "million baby mother" , "Life angel", "Chinese medicine", and Liang Yiwen is collectively known as "Nan Liang North Forest".
growing up
【林巧稚英文简介作文 林巧稚英文简介】December 23, 1901 (Guangxu twenty-seven years), Lin Qiaozhi was born in Siming County, Fujian Province Gulangyu a teacher family.
In 1908, Lin Qiaozhao Shang Meng school (women's primary school), then, studying at Gulangyu Huairen School (Gulangyu Women's High School). In 1913, he joined Gulangyu Higher Women's Normal School. In 1919 graduated from Xiamen Women's Normal College and stayed at school.
In 1921, Peking Union Medical College (now Union Medical College) completed, Lin Qiaozhi admitted to the school.

In 1929, graduated from the Union Medical University and received a doctorate in medicine, was appointed to the Union Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor, for the hospital's first graduate of the Chinese female doctor, is the first "Wenhai" scholarship only winner.
As a result of outstanding work in the Concord Hospital, she was promoted to a resident in advance, and in 1932, was sent to the British London Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital and Manchester Medical School. In 1933, medical study was conducted in Vienna, Austria. In 1939, to the University of Chicago School of Medicine as a graduate student.
During his study abroad, he visited Cambridge University, Newham University, and practiced for two months at the Maryland Medical College's Obstetrics and Gynecology. She spent almost all the time out of the laboratory work, to the rich information of the library to learn, at noon to come up with a sandwich bread to eat. In addition, a wide range of visits to various hospitals and research institutes in London, such as the Chalers Gynecological Hospital, the London Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the London Maternal and Child Hospital. Visited the Radium Radiation Center Center Station will be advanced science and technology applied to the medical field of equipment, which inspired her to provide research ideas that laid the foundation for her research on the treatment of choriocarcinoma. Finally, she went to the Royal College of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in his teacher's laboratory of the laboratory for children with intrauterine respiratory research, her research results were recommended to Birmingham City, the British Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference Exchange, be praised.
In 1940, Lin Qiaozhi was hired by the United States as a member of the "Natural Science Honor Committee". Returned home the same year, and soon promoted to director of obstetrics and gynecology, became the first Chinese nationality female director.
At the end of 1941, the Peking Union Medical College Hospital was occupied by the Japanese because of the Pacific War, and she was expelled from the hospital with all the medical staff. Because of the war, her medical science research ended for almost 10 years.
In 1942, in Beijing Dongtangzi alley to open a private clinic, in order to reduce the burden on patients, she took the initiative to reduce the registration fees, medical expenses for poor patients and other measures. Soon, and served as the hospital and the hospital (formerly the Central Hospital, now Peking University People's Hospital) Obstetrics and Gynecology director.
In 1946, he was appointed as the director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Peking University Medical College. In the same year, medical educator Li Zongen was ordered to resume the Concord Hospital, repeatedly invited her to return to the Concord, she repeatedly considered, resigned from the two director positions, stopped the clinic opened in 1948 to return to Concord Hospital, while her students together Back to the Union Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology, and work here until death.

June 1956, China's first maternity specialist hospital Beijing maternity hospital built, Lin Qiaozhi as the first president.
In 1959, Lin Qiaozhi was elected the first female academy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician), and was appointed vice president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
