2022五年级上册语文教学设计 2022五年级上册英语教学设计( 四 )

( 设计意图:有意识地引导学生通过关键词来复述课文,,培养其语篇运用能力 。)
4、Task 3:Write a poem.
Myfavourite season
I like spring best.
Spring is warm.
Spring is rainy.
There are green trees.
I can fly kites.
I can go on a picnic.
Spring, spring.
I love you!
(1)教师进行示范 。
(2)学生仿写 。
(3)学生展示 。
(设计意图:通过让学生仿写有关季节的小诗,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到学以致用的目的 。)
Step 5 Summary
Enjoy a song : Seasons in the sun.
T:What colourful seasons! Let’s enjoy every season. Happy every day!
(适时进行小结,并进行德育渗透,使学生的情感得以升华 。)
Step 6 Homework
1. ☆: Retell the text.(复述课文)
2. ☆ ☆: Write your favourite season.(写一写自己最喜欢的季节 。)
1、语言知识:能够听、说、读、写四会句子:What’s the date?June 9th.Is her birthday in June?Yes.
2、语言技能:能够运用句型:What’s the date?June 9th.Is her birthday in June?Yes.询问日期和同学的生日 。
3、情感态度:懂得如何为同学、家人庆祝生日 。
4、学习策略:能够运用所学句型与同学进行对话,进行简单的写作 。
1、教学重点:掌握四会句子:What’s the date?June 9th.Is her birthday in June?Yes.
2、教学难点:能理解Read and write的对话内容 。
1、Greeting & Warm-up
(1)Greeting T:Good morning,boys and girls!
(2)Warm-up T:Let’s chant together!(P26 Let’s chant)
2、Free talk
T:What day is it today? S:It’s Wednesday. T:What’s the date today? S:It’s March 26th. T:Oh,is Tree-planting Day in March? Ss:Yes,it is. T:What is the date?Who knows? S:It’s on March 12th. T:Is your birthday in March,too? S:Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.(询问部分学生) T:Is her /his birthday in June?What’s the date?(利用前面问过的学生生日的信息带入本节课的重点句型,并板书 。)
3、Lead in T:What can you do on your birthday?Do you want to get a birthday gift?Do you know birthday gift?For example,birthday cards,cake,maybe a pencil or a book.I like birthday cards.What about you?(ask some students.) T:Everyone likes to get birthday cards.My friend Mary likes birthday cards,too.And her birthday is coming,too.What can I do for her?Have a try,please.(ask some students.) T:Maybe I can make a birthday card for her.Look ,This is my birthday card.It’s on my computer.It is an e-card.Now I am sending my friend an
e-card.(简单做一个发送电子卡片的演示 。)
(1)First reading T:Look,Zoom has an e-card,too.He is sending an e-card,too.Is it for you?Is it for me?Now open your book,read and find out the answer.
(2)Second reading 再次阅读短文并完成P33相应的练习 。
Read and find the different one
(3)Third reading T:Now,read the dialogue again,and write down the answer.You can discuss with your partner.(学生做第三次阅读,进一步理解短文内容并完成练习纸上的练习: Tick(√) or cross(×)
( )1)、Grandma has a computer.
( )2)、Grandma can't see the e-card.(检查该题目时讲解本课的阅读难点:Then she won’t be able to see the card.)
( )3)、Grandma doesn't like the birthday.
5、Practice PPT上呈现一人物图片,以及不完整的日记内容,并给出单词供学生选择 。(1)学生根据短文内容以及给出的提示将日记补充完整;
(2)完成后朗读日记 。
T:What can you do on your friend’s birthday or your family’s birthday?Now discuss with your partner.(情感态度的渗透,让学生懂得如何为自己的同学,家人庆祝生日 。)
学生读板书内容复习本节课的重点内容句型 。
根据实际情况并模仿practice的内容,写一篇关于自己同学或者家人的日记 。
Unit 3 My Birthday B Read and write
A:Is your/her/his birthday in April?
C:Yes,it is./No, it isn’t.
A:What’s the date?
C:April 16th./It’s on April 16th
a.知识目标:能够听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in…并能以分角色的形式进行运用 。
b.能力目标:能够调查同学,家长的生日 。了解西方主要节日所在的月份.
c.情感策略,文化目标:1.用任务型语言教学途径,让学生在“做”中学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 。培养学生学习英语的积极态度 。使学生乐于合作参与,用于进行交际实践 。2.学知识的同时,不忘对学生进行情感教育 。学会感恩 。
