

Each and *ry one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in o* daily actions and choices 。Therefore ,  bating cli*te change is going to take the bined efforts of *ryone on the planet 。
The average household carbon footp*nt in China is 2 。41 tons of carbon dioxide annually 。That‘s enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool 。
S*p*sed? Well,here‘s how you can work to reduce it:
1 。Get started by calculating yo* own carbon footp*nt 。This will give you a starting point f*m which to begin monito*ng yo* p*gress 。You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in,yo* personal ener* use and travel habits 。
2 。Each week ,  choose one day when you don‘t eat meat 。Meat uses up lots of ener* bec*se it takes a long time to p*duce 。Ani*ls p*duce methane, which is another dange*us greenhouse gas ,  when they b*p and fart 。
3 。Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative 。For instance,*ke them into a soup 。Ask to take food home f*m rest*rants if there‘s some left, but remember to take yo* own container to avoid using a disposable carton 。
我们每一个人负责温室气体排放在我们**常行为和选取 。因此,应对气候变化需要地球上*每个人都*共同努力 。
平均每个家庭在**碳排放量是2 。41吨二氧化碳 。足够填充半个*游泳池了 。
1 。开始计算你自我*碳足迹 。这将给你一个起点*开始监视你*进步 。您输入详细*,比如什么样**你住在 , 你*个人能源使用和旅行***一个项目,我等不及要提出我*看法关于如何促进它 。
首先,就应一天就应是建立在我们学校每星期 。因为汽车不仅仅造成严重*空气污染,而且浪费能源 。就应一天,学生和老师都不允许开车上学 。与此同时,刚刚走,跳 , 周期或运行 。用我们*腿和享受乐趣 。
第二 , 我们最好不要使用塑料袋 。没有人能*受“白*污染” 。所以,明智*做法是使用袋子能够一次又一次*被重用 。
最后,有一件事 , 我们就应记住:每一件大事来自微妙 。因此,作为学生,我们就应关灯此刻我们离开,及时关水龙头,重用我们*课*,等等 。
总之,它*重量大大我们把低碳生活方式付诸实践 。把我们*思想这些:就应,没有塑料袋,没有浪费 。让我们此刻就做 。
Low -carbon life
【关于低碳生活的英语作文】With the d*lopment of science and technolo* , people are attachin*ore and * si*ifance to low-carbon lifestyle 。There is no denying that we should lead a low-carbon life 。For example,we should t*n off the light when we leave the class*om,t*n off the water tap when we finish washing and so on 。What"s
