

It is true that most of us value honesty highly 。How*r,nowadays we often conf*nt confidence c*sis such as cheating,overcharging,fake modities and so on 。I think that we should be honest bec*se being honest is not only beneficial to o*selves but also to others and the whole society 。The reasons can be listed as follows 。Firstly,only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can *ke * f*ends over a long pe*od of time 。
Secondly, honesty,which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people,can *ke o* life easier and * harmonious 。Thirdly ,  honesty can *ke o* society * stable 。A case in point is that Singapore,a society feat*ing trus*orthiness and integ*ty,has a paratively low c*minal rate 。
Respon*ility can be understood in *ny ways 。for the parents,they have had the responsibility for ca*ng for and foste*ng their children since the birth of their baby 。for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges , they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say , teahers are the second parents of children somewhile 。
for us,as a f*end of others,it is o* responsibility to * o* f*ends when they are in t*uble or faced with difficulties 。each one has the different responsibily based on their *les but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society 。
Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids 。What we can learn f*m the story is that we must be honest 。How*r,there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays 。
Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yo*self 。Take the case of fake milk powder for example 。After d*nking this kind of milk,the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin,which badly affected their health 。To o* great relief,the p*ducers got accused and punished for all the se*ous consequences in the end 。
Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will *ke other people trust you,which will p*vide you *ny benefits and give you opportunities that others *y not get 。Being honest,you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be f*endly to you and support you 。In a sense,if life is a long jo*ney ,  honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way 。Let’s pick up o* “backpack”—honesty,and start the wonderful jo*ney!
It n*r be explained why so *ny students on campus cheat in their examinationsnowadays,regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret,as it did in the case ofthe boy student in the cartoon/photo above 。What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-p*voking and should a*use o* social concern 。
The implied meaning of the pict*e is worth discussing 。Firstly ,  the youngs alway*ee quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done 。
In the light of this statement,some students are often willing to sac*fice theircredibility for the p*village of gettin*ore points and being regarded as outstandingstudents 。F*ther*,some one is afired that he can"t pass the final exams leading to hisdegree ,  in the fruit of being absorbed into *r *s or disappointment in love 。
Consequently,only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time 。Although *nyreasons share the p*blem of this drawing ,  one of them can be singled out for reco*ition:the conditions of o* sociaty 。Such is hu*n nat*e, that we can"t avoid being influenced byenvi*nment 。In short ,  the *ot of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus i*inition of *ny factors 。
There is no blinding at the fact that,in dealing with a challenge on such scale,somest*ng,effective and necessary counter-meas*es should be put on o* agenda 。To the beginwith,a widespread education campai* should be l*nched to *ke students realize theimportance of credibility 。What"s * ,  the government departments at different l*ls andrelated or*izations should *ke joint efforts and coordination of p*grams to creat a *credit envi*nment for us 。Only by this package deal,can build up a harmonious and healthysociaty 。
What is integ*ty? Integ*ty is a good quality of being honest 。It is a fine virtue for *ryone 。A *n of integ*ty is loved by all 。Without integ*ty,he will lose the best
Integ*ty is especially important for students 。We should finish o* homework independently 。We must ret*n books when it is due 。We should listen to the teacher carefully no *tter what kind of lesson it is 。If we p*mise to do something, we should try o* best to do it well 。
Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speakin*e truth and being fair and up*ght in act 。He who lies and cheats is dishonest 。: Those who gain fortunes not by hard labo* but by other means is dishonest 。
Honesty is a good virtue 。If you are honest all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected by others 。A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people a*und 。Once you lie,people will n*r beli* you *n if you speak the truth 。
How*r,in the tide of modity economy today, it seems that * and * people beli* in money at the sac*fice of honesty 。To them, among such things as health, be*ty,m6ney,intelligence,honesty,reputation and talent,honesty is the only thing that can be east away 。They don’t understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggest fortune hu*ns own,and that it is the prerequisite for doing *rything well 。I think these people areto be pitied 。
In short,honesty is gold 。Honest,yo* reputation will bee great;dishonest,yo* name will be spoiled and yo* personality degraded 。Therefore,we should n*r *ke such an excuse as "A little dishonesty is only a t*fle thing 。We should eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in o* minds 。
Almost all of us heard the story “Here Comes the Wolf” when we were little kids 。What we can learn f*m the story is that we must be honest 。How*r ,  there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays 。
Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yo*self 。Take the case of fake milk powder for example 。After d*nking this kind of milk,the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin,which badly affected their health 。To o* great relief, the p*ducers got accused and punished for all the se*ous consequences in the end 。
Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will *ke other people trust you, which will p*vide you *ny benefits and give you opportunities that others *y not get 。Being honest,you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be f*endly to you and support you 。In a sense ,  if life is a long jo*ney,honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way 。Let’s pick up o* “backpack”—honesty,and start the wonderful jo*ney!
When it es to honesty ,  quite a lot of people beli* it is essential to a person’s character and success 。
当谈到诚实 , 很多人相信这对于一个人**格和成*来说是很重要* 。
They base their idea on the following reasons: on one hand ,  succes*ul business owes much to mutual trust; on another hand,great people in history such as Abraham Lincoln andGeorge Washington set us good examples of being honest,they are great bec*se they are honest 。
他们立足于他们*想*理由如下:一方面 , 商业上*成* , 有赖于相互信任;另一方面 , 在历史上如亚伯拉罕*和乔治*这样*伟人给我们树立了诚实*好例子,他们之所以伟大是因为他们是诚实* 。
But some people think differently 。They beli* honesty is being out of date 。
但有些人有不一样*看法 。他们相信诚实已经过时了 。
Their reasons run as following: to begin with,cheating on exams is bein*ore and * popular; in addition,some singers and movie stars cheat on taxes; last but not the least,if you are not careful enough ,  you’ll buy some defective goods and fake p*ducts 。
他们*原因如下:首先,考试*是越来越受欢迎;此外,一些歌星和影星骗税款;最后但并非最不重要*,如果你不留意*话,你会买到一些有缺陷*产品或*产品 。
It is high time we emphasized and enco*aged honesty 。We can take effective meas*es to restore it 。
我们是时候该强调并鼓励诚实了 。我们能够采取有效措施来恢复它 。
For example,kids should be t*ght to tell truth, st*ct rules and regulations should be car*ed out to stop cheatings on exams and taxes, etc 。
例如,就应教孩子们诚实,严格*规章制度应实施进行来阻止在考试和税收方面*欺诈等 。
Good morning ,  la*s and gentemen 。This is Li Hua f*m Senior Three 。I’m here today to share with you a good lesson f*m an overseas Chinese student living in Ger*ny 。It is a true story 。
After years of hard work,this Chinese student graduated with a*zing academic achi*ments 。Everyone thought he was going to get a good job easily and have a b*ght fut*e 。But to his disappointment,he was not *n allowed the chance for an interview! The third time he was t*ned down,he couldn’t * telephoning the pany to ask why they didn’t want him 。The answer was *, “We don’t hire dishonest people in Ger*ny 。”
What was w*ng you might wonder? The truth is,shortly aften he ar*ved in Ger*ny,this cl*r student found that it was easy to skip buying subway tickets 。So,to save money ,  he often went without a ticket 。As a result ,  he had been c*ght without a ticket in the subway three times 。
F*m this story,we learn that we *y get short-term benefits by dishonest means,but the truth will e out sooner or later and the cost is high 。So remember: honest is the best policy 。
That’s all for my speech 。Thank you!
It is true that most of us value honesty highly 。How*r,nowadays we often conf*nt confidence c*sis such as cheating,overcharging,fake modities and so on 。I think that we should be honest bec*se being honest is not only beneficial to o*selves but also to others and the whole society 。The reasons can be listed as follows 。Firstly ,  only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can *ke * f*ends over a long pe*od of time 。
Secondly,honesty,which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people,can *ke o* life easier and * harmonious 。Thirdly, honesty can *ke o* society * stable 。A case in point is that Singapore,a society feat*ing trus*orthiness and integ*ty,has a paratively low c*minal rate 。
【诚信英语作文】Respon*ility can be understood in *ny ways 。for the parents , they have had the responsibility for ca*ng for and foste*ng their children since the birth of their baby 。for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the
