现在进行时练习题 一般现在时练习题

现在进行时练习题 一般现在时练习题

大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题 。一般现在时练习题 , 现在进行时练习题这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
【现在进行时练习题 一般现在时练习题】1、现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作句子结构:be+动词ing时间状语:now, look, listen 。
2、It’s …o’clck,What are you ___doing___(do) now? I _am eating___(eat) bread.It’s nine o’clock. My father___is working____(work) in the office.Look, the boy_____is puting___(put) the rubbish into the bin._____Does_____he___cleaning_______(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____is playing________(play).Where is Mak? He___is running________(run) on the grass.Listen, who____is singing________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary____is singing_________(sing) there. 将下列句子改成现在进行时Tom can speak Chinese.We have four lessons.I watch TV every day.She works in a hospital.Do you like this book?Kitty and Ben have lunch at about twelve.His father can help them.Danny, open the door. 填空:She is _____ (walk, walking) now.Mother is ______ (feed, feeding) birds.They are _____ (sitting, siting) on the chair.Cindy is _____ (watch, watching) TV.Joe is _____ (jogging, joging) in the garden.Look, Nick is _____ (coming, come).The cat is _____ (lieing, lying) on the rug.Listen, she is _____ (singing, sing).Look, the girl is _____ (run).The cat is _____ (eat) now. 1 Look, the baby is _____ (smile). 1 My mother and my father are _____ (dance). 1 Uncle Jerry is _____ (drive). 1 The fish is _____ (swim) in the river. 1 She is _____ (shop). 根据汉语意思填空:你要去哪儿啊? Where are you _____?Nick 正在爬攀登架. Nick is _____ (climb) the jungle gym.他们正在读书. They are _____ books.爷爷正在吸烟. Grandpa is _____.我在做作业. I am _____ (do) my homework.我妈妈正在做饭. My mother is _____.Jerry在喝柠檬果汁. Jerry is _____ lemon juice.他正在写信. He is _____ a letter.看! Cindy来了. Look, Cindy is ______.我们在唱歌. We are _____ now. 填入be动词的适当形式He _____ drinking water.The eagle _____ flying in the sky.Children _____ playing in the playground.They are _____ working now.I _____ going to the supermarket.I _____ coming.He _____ walking in the woods now.They watch TV in the evening. 。
以上就是【一般现在时练习题,现在进行时练习题】相关内容 。
