


1.为了支援*地震* , 学生会组织全体同学进行捐款捐物;
2. 捐款金额不限 , 物资主要需要衣服、棉被、手电等;
3. 活动、时间地点
4. 所捐钱款和物资将会上交给*红十字基金会*Chinese Red C*ss Foundation*
Dear all students,
In order to support earthquake-st*cken areas in Sichuan, Student Union intends to or*ize a Donation P*gram and expects donation f*m all of you.
You can donate money or *te*als. If you would like to donate money, please put your money into the donation box at the entrance to Teaching Building. Two volunteer students are available there to offer * if necessary. If you would like to donate clothes, quilts or others, please b*ng them to our stand in f*nt of the school gate.
The Donation p*gram will be held be*een 11:00 and 14:00, tomor*w and the day after tomor*w.
All the donated money and *te*als will be collected in order and submitted to Chinese Red C*ss Foundation as soon as possible.
On behalf of Student Union, we for*lly call on all students to *ke cont*bution and * people in earthquake areas rebuild their home and restore their nor*l life.
Student Union
雅安又称雨城,古代传说女娲补天*时候,刚好补到雅安 , 却没有五彩石了,所以这里就经常下雨 。雅安是茶马古道川藏线*起点 。“冰崖雪岭*云霄,骑马西来共说劳”,说*就是雅安*背茶夫,一副背架,一根丁拐 , 徒步翻越崇山峻岭与深谷绝壑,为人类*顽强谱一曲壮丽乐章 。为雅安祈祷,雅安,雄起!
Ya"an is also called the rain when the ancient legend, the goddess patching the sky, just fill in Ya"an, but no stone, so here it often rains. Ya"an is the tea horse *ad Sichuan-Tibet line starting point. "The ice snow Ling *ed *ller, *de West to say to work," said that the Ya"an back tea hu*and, a back frame, a Gending turn high mountains and lofty hills and valleys, hiked over vast sink, tenacious spectrum a **ificent movement of hu*n. Pray for Ya"an, Ya"an, *le!
让我们为雅安祈福,愿逝者*,愿伤者早*康复 。生活可能会一秒钟全部崩塌,但*里始终挺立着爱*脊梁 。
Let us pray for Ya"an, to the deceased rest in peace, wishing the injured a speedy recovery. Life *y be a second collapse, but the ruins still stand love back.
强震来袭,你用怀抱将我揽在身下,你用肩膀带我脱离危险;面对伤痛,你用双臂为我遮阳,你拥抱给我安*……有你*臂膀,我就不怕;有你*臂膀,我就要更坚强 。守望相助,不离不弃 。加油雅安!
Incoming earthquake, you will have me in the body with arms, you take me out of danger by the shoulders; face the pain, your arms for my sun, you hug to comfort me...... I have your arms, I was not afraid; I have your arms, I will be st*nger. Help one another in defense work, n*r abandon. Forza Ya"an!
世上除了生死 , 都是小事 。从今天开始 , 每天微笑吧 。不管遇到了什么烦心事,都不要自己为难自己;无论今天发生多么糟糕*事,都不应该感到悲伤 。今天是你往后*子里最年轻*一天了,因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线 。珍视生命,祈福雅安 。
In addition to the world of life and death, are s*ll. Starting f*m today, *ry *ile. No *tter what t*ubles, don"t you embarrass yourself; no *tter how bad it is happening today, you shouldn"t be sad. Today is the youngest one day the rest of your days, bec*se tomor*w, today is always the starting line. Che*sh life, pray for Ya"an.
