

*篇文章将会为您介绍一下,英语在线课程*利弊英文作文范例*有关内容 , 相信有很多网友们都不知道下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 。
高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of online courses With the rapid d*lopment of science and technology, online courses are becomin*ore and * popular. With the diversification of online courses, some people begin to worry that the day when online courses will replace traditional courses will come, bec*se online courses have replaced traditional courses. On the one hand, the biggest advantage of traditional courses is that they p*vide opportunities for students to communicate with teachers face-to-face, while online courses cannot This effect.
Traditional courses are not only a p*cess of receiving knowledge, but also an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with teachers, communicate with peers, and learn to think independently. Traditional courses are * applicable than online courses bec*se students who participate in traditional courses have the same understanding or knowledge of a certain subject, although it is difficult for online courses to meet the different needs of people with different goals and l*ls Traditional courses will not be replaced by online courses, but I beli* that in addition to traditional courses, universities should also p*vide some online courses for students to learn by themselves.
随着科学技术*飞速发展 , 网络课程越来越普及,随着网络课程*多样化,有人开始担心网络课程取代传统课程*那一天会到来,因为网络课程已经取代了传统课程一方面,传统课程*最大优势是为每个学生提供了与老师面对面交流*机会,而在线课程则无法达到这种效果 。传统课程不仅仅是一个接受知识*过程,同时也是学生与老师交流思想、与同龄人交流、学会思考*机会,传统课程比在线课程更具适用* , 因为参加传统课程*学生对某一学科*理解或知识量相同 , 虽然网络课程很难满足不同目标和层次*人*不同需求 , 因此,传统课程不会被网络课程所取代,但我主张,除了传统课程之外,大学还应提供一些在线课程供学生自学 。
万能作文模板2:网络课程*优缺点Since the *se of the Internet, it has played an increasingly important *le in our daily life. F*m news infor*tion b*wsing to ne*ork entertainment, the great convenience and efficiency b*ught by the Internet is a*zing. Therefore, as a part of the use of the Internet, online courses have become a popular learnin*ethod for *ny netizens.
Its d*lopment is so fast and its effect is so It is so a*zing that *ny people think that it will first replace traditional courses. Online courses are much cheaper than traditional courses. People don"t have to pay a lot of tuition fees, and the learning contents are also wonderful.
Second, online courses are * convenient and flexible. This advantage is good for office people who want to keep imp*ving themselves, but they need to work du*ng the day. Online courses p*vide a good learning opportunity.
If students want to get higher education, they need to pass a lot of exams, which means * time, effort and money. On the contrary, if Yale and Harvard offer free open classes, who will be based on the above How*r, the potential of online course is so huge that it will occupy a large share in the learnin*ode. How*r, the online course still needs some imp*vement to completely replace the traditional course.
互联网自兴起以来,在我们**常生活中扮演着越来越重要*角* , 从新闻*浏览到网络娱乐,互联网带来*巨利和效率是惊人*,因此,网络课程作为互联网利用*一部分 , 它已经成为许多网民*一种流行*学*量*学费,学*量*考试,这意味着更多*时间,精力和金钱相反,如果耶鲁和哈佛大学免费提供公开课 , 谁会根据上面*观点拒绝呢,网络课程*潜力是如此巨大,它必将在学**份额,但是在线课程还需要一些改进才能完全取代传统*课程 。
满分英语范文3:在线课程*利弊With the rapid d*lopment of science and technology, online courses are becomin*ore and * popular. With the diversification of online courses, some people begin to worry that the day when online courses will replace traditional courses will come, bec*se online courses can not replace traditional courses. On the one hand, the greatest advantage of traditional courses is that they p*vide an opportunity for each student to communicate with teachers face to face, while online courses can"t This effect.
Traditional courses are not only a p*cess of receiving knowledge, but also an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with teachers, communicate with peers, and learn to think independently. Traditional courses are * applicable than online courses bec*se students who participate in traditional courses have the same understanding or knowledge of a certain subject, although it is difficult for online courses to meet the different needs of people with different goals and l*ls Traditional courses will not be replaced by online courses, but I beli* that in addition to traditional courses, universities should also p*vide some online courses for students to learn by themselves.
【英语在线课程的利弊英文作文范例】随着科学技术*飞速发展,网络课程越来越普及,随着网络课程*多样化,有人开始担心网络课程取代传统课程*那一天会到来 , 因为网络课程无法取代传统课程一方面,传统课程*最大优点是为每个学生提供了一个与老师面对面交流*机会,而在线课程无法达到这种效果 。传统课程不仅仅是一个接受知识*过程,同时也是学生与老师交流思想、与同龄人交流、学会思考*机会 , 传统课程比在线课程更具适用*,因为参加传统课程*学生对某一学科*理解或知识量相同 , 虽然网络课程很难满足不同目标和层次*人*不同需求,因此,传统课程不会被网络课程所取代,但我主张 , 除了传统课程之外,大学还应提供一些在线课程供学生自学 。
