

*篇文章将会为您介绍,奉献*英文作文范例*有关内容,相信有很多网友想知道,下面就由小编我来带各位了解一下 。
高分英语作文1:dedication How to succeed? Dice is the first element of success. Dice *s us sweep away i*orance, overcome difficulties and open our minds. It *kes people i*orant and the poor are full of dedication.
It is another factor of success. No *tter what we do, we must love it and do it wholeheartedly. Only when we *ke up our mind to work, pers*rance or st*ng will are the last key to success.
Without st*ng will, we are likely to give up when we encounter difficulties.
如何成*勤奋是成**第一要素勤奋帮助我们扫除无知,克服困难,开明我们*头脑 。它使人愚昧,*富有奉献精神是另一个成**因素,无论我们做什么,我们都必须热爱它,全心全意地去做 , 只有当我们下定决心去工作时 , 再者 , 毅力,还是坚强*意志,是成**最后一把钥匙,没有坚强*意志,我们很可能在遇到困难时放弃 。
万能作文模板2:奉献精神Teacher Lin always puts the responsibility first. She *s students who are not good at study in her spare time. She devotes herself to education.
Miss Lin is a rural teacher. She has saved money for her treatment. She has won a personal achi*ment award.
Her dedication and touching deeds are worth learning f*m our college tuition and her former students.
林老师总是把责任放在第一位,她在业余时间帮助学*学学费和她以前*学生 。
满分英语范文3:奉献*some people say that luck is the key to success, while others say I think it is hard work. There are *ny factors for success. The three basic elements are dice, dedication and pers*rance.
Dice is the first key factor of success. Dice *s us eliminate i*orance, overcome difficulties and open our minds. This *kes people i*orant.
Dedication is another factor for success, No *tter what we do, we must love it and do it wholeheartedly. Only when we are determined to do it can we do it well. Moreover, pers*rance, or st*ng will, is the last key to success.
Without a st*ng will, we are likely to give up when we encounter difficulties, let alone perform wonderful songs. All great men succeed th*ugh dice, dedication and pers*rance. Just as the famous saying goes, "you can get something for nothing" and "where there is a will, there is a way.".
【奉献的英文作文范例】(如何取得成*有人说成**关键是运气,也有人说我认为这是努力工作 , 成*有很多因素,*演精彩*曲子了,一切伟人都是通过勤奋、奉献和毅力来获得成** , 正如那句名言“不劳而获”,“有志者事竟成” 。
