

*篇文章将会为您介绍 , 关于运动故事*英文作文范例*有关内容,相信有很多网友们都很想了解,下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 。
高分英语作文1:Sports story It is said that examinations can * us to review our lessons in time. After the examinations, we can find out how we are p*gressing in our stu*s. But we always have too *ny tests, and the examinations are too difficult for us.
We find that some people lose interest in learning bec*se it"s bad for our health. We have little time for sports. I think the current measurement should be imp*ved.
(考试)有人说考试可以帮助我们及时复习*课,考试后我们可以发现我们*学习进展如何,但是我们总是有太多*考试 , 而且考试对我们来说太难了 。我们发现有些人对学习失去了兴趣,因为这对我们*健康有害我们几乎没有时间从事体育运动我认为现行*测量*应该改进 。
万能作文模板2:体育故事Doing sports is good for our health, for example, playing basketball, playing b*ton, *ny classes always *ke us very tired, so if we do some sports, we can have a rest, we will learn better, so if we are sick, it will *ke us * healthy, and then we can"t learn any *. If we do this, we can become st*ng, so I can You know, exercise can * us to *ke * f*ends. It will *ke us * f*endly.
Exercise is good for us. So, *ryone should exercise now.
做运动对我们*健康有好处,例如,打篮球,打羽毛球 , 很多课总是让我们很累,所以如果我们做一些运动 , 我们可以休息一下,我们会更好地学习,所以如果我们生病了,它会使我们更健康 , 然后我们就不能再学习了如果我们这样做 , 我们可以变得强壮,这样我们就不会在医院生病了,你知道吗 , 锻炼可以帮助我们结交更多*朋友,这会使我们更友好,锻炼身体对我们有好处,所以,现在每个人都要锻炼 。
满分英语范文3:运动故事Health is very important to *ryone. If you are not in good health, if you are sick, you will lose a lot of opportunities to realize your dreams. You can"t do this job.
The boss will fire you. Moreover, f*m an economic point of view, illness will also *ke you pay high medical expenses. So I suggest you don"t forget the importance of exercise and exercise.
Take me for example. I play table tennis for *o hours *ry morning. I"m energetic all day.
You don"t have to worry about going to the hospital to see a doctor. Taking part in all kinds of sports can not only keep you healthy, but also stren*en your immune and reduce the possibility of heart disease and kidney disease. Bec*se the comments here are limited, I just want to leave * * for others to desc*be him Our own story sports and health.
【关于运动故事的英文作文范例】健康对每个人都很重要如果你身体不好,如果你生病了 , 你会失去很多实现梦想*机会,你不能做这份工作*会炒你鱿鱼,而且从经济角度来说,生病也会让你付出高昂*医疗费用,所以我建议你不要忘记锻炼身体和运动*重要* 。以我为例,我每天早上打两个小时*乒乓球,我一整天都精力充沛,你不用担心去医院看?。渭痈髦指餮?运动不仅能保持身体健康,还能增强你*免疫* , 减少心脏病和肾脏疾病*可能*,因为这里*评论篇幅有限,我只想说给别人留下更多*空间来描述他们自己*故事体育和健康 。
