

高分英语作文1:Healthy *t and exercise Sports are good for our health. All the work and no play *ke Jack a dull boy. Th*ugh sports, we can relax our body and mind, we can harden our muscles and have a good body.
If we don"t exercise for a long time, we *y easily get sick. I like s*ral outdoor sports. Swimming is my favo*te bec*se there are swimming pools Too *ny people *ke the water dirty.
运动对我们*健康有好处所有*工作和没有玩耍使杰克成为一个迟钝*男孩通过运动,我们可以放松我们*身体和思想 , 我们可以硬化我们*肌肉和有一个好*身材如果我们长时间不运动 , 我们可能很容易生病我喜欢几种户外运动游泳是我*最爱,因为有游泳池里人太多,水总是很脏 。
万能作文模板2:健康饮食与运动I have breakfast at 7:30 in the morning, lunch at 12:30, dinner at 7:00 in the *ning. I work and eat vegetables *ry day. I eat cold d*nks for a week.
I eat a few fruits in a month. My favo*te food is that we eat bread and milk. I like to play b*ton with my f*ends.
I exercise *ice a week, although I know that my living habits are not very healthy But I will try my best to change my living habits and *ke myself d*lop * healthy living habits.
我每天早上七点半吃早饭,十二点半 , 中午吃午饭 , 晚上七点吃晚饭,我每天工作吃蔬菜,我吃一个星期*冷饮,一个月,吃几个水果,我最喜欢*食物是我们吃面包和牛奶,我喜欢和朋友一起去打羽毛球,我每周两次体育锻炼虽然我知道我*生活习惯不是很健康,但我会努力改变生活习惯,使自己养成更健康*生活习惯 。
满分英语范文3:健康饮食和运动Healthy *t is very important to our daily life. Food can give us energy and * us build our body. First of all, what should we eat and how to eat healthier? First, we should have enough clean food for *ry meal.
It is important to keep a balanced *t. Different kinds of food p*vide different nut*tion we need *ry day. Third, we should eat a nor*l meal in this way We will become st*ng and healthy.
We will get good grades in our study. I beli* that one day we will all be healthy.
【关于健康饮食和运动的英文作文范例】健康饮食对我们**常生活很重要食物能给我们能量 , 帮助我们建立我们*身体首先我们应该吃什么和怎么吃更健康首先 , 我们每餐都要有足够*清洁食物,保持均衡*饮食很重要不同种类*食物提供我们每天所需*不同营养第三,我们应该以这种方式吃一顿正常*饭,我们会变得强壮和健康 , 我们会在我们*学习中取得好成绩 。我相信有一天我们都会健康* 。
