

我想当一名医生*英文作文怎么写?相信有很多网友们都还不知道,下面就由小编我来为您详细介绍一下 , 我想当一名医生*英文作文怎么写*有关内容 。
高分英语作文1:I want to be a doctor My dream is that I want to be a teacher. When I listen to the teacher carefully, I think I can be a teacher when I g*w up. I can * *ny students learn things well.
I can play with my students, so we are good f*ends. I want to be a doctor. When I see *ny doctors save their patients, it is really good to be a doctor.
【我想当一名医生的英文作文怎么写】I think I can become a doctor when I g*w up, so I can Help a lot of people.
我*梦想我想成为一名教师当我认真听老师*话我想我长大后可以成为一名教师我可以帮助许多学生学好东西我可以和我*学生*,所以我们是*我想当一名医生当我看到很多医生救他们*病人成为医生真*很好我想我长大后可以成为一名医生这样我就能帮助很多人 。
万能作文模板2:我想成为一名医生I want to be a doctor. I hope I can become a doctor in the future. I was born in a doctor"s family.
My parents are doctors. They are always busy working for the health of patients. They have no time to take care of them.
They have saved *ny people"s lives in their work. Doctors are called "angels in white", bec*se doctors can let them expe*ence the suffe*ng of hu*n diseases and eliminate the pain I hope to be a doctor like my parents. I hope I can become a doctor in the future.
"I want to be a teacher. When I listen to my teacher"s words carefully, I think I can * *ny students learn things well when I g*w up. I can play with my students, so we are good f*ends F*end, I want to be a doctor.
When I see *ny doctors saving their patients, it"s really great to be a doctor. I think I can be a doctor when I g*w up, and then I can * a lot of people out of er. I will be the h*st girl in the world.
I want to be a journalist. When I watch TV *ry night, we can get a lot of important infor*tion f*m them. They *ke the world s*ller and *ke the world s*ller We are happy.
I want to be a journalist when I g*w up. I can learn a lot about China and other count*es in the world. I can also meet *ny superstars.
I have *ny dreams. I think my dream will come true one day, bec*se there is an old saying that where there is a will, there is a way.
我想成为一名医生我希望我将来能成为一名医生我出生在一个医生*家庭里我*父母都是医生他们总是忙于为病人*健康工作,没有时间照顾他们在工作中拯救了许多人*生命医生被称为“白衣天使”,因为医生可以让他们亲身体验人类病痛*折磨消除痛苦可以让人改变健康*同时,我相信,帮助别人,自己也因此能够获得快乐 , 我希望成为一名像我父母一样*医生我希望将来我能成为一名医生“我想当一名教师当我认真听我*老师*话我想我长大后我可以帮助很多学生学好东西我可以和我*学生* , 所以我们是*我想当一名医生当我看到许多医生救他们*病人成为医生真*很棒我想我长大后可以成为一名医生然后我可以帮助很多人脱离危险我将是世界上最幸福*女孩我想成为一名采访人员当我每天晚上看电视时我们可以从他们那里得到很多重要**他们使世界变小 , 也使我们快乐我想在我长大后成为一名采访人员我可以学到很多关于*和世界上其他*东西我也可以遇到很多超级明星我有很多梦想我想我*梦想总有一天会实现*,因为有句老话说有志者事竟成 。
满分英语范文3:我想当一名医生I have a dream since I was a child. I want to be a doctor very much. I want to be a doctor bec*se doctors can cure patients and *ke people healthy and happy.
Doctors can * the poor and *ke * people get medical *. If I were a doctor, the * patients I cured, the h*r I would feel. That"s why I want to be a doctor.
I will study hard so that my dream can be realized in the future.
我从小就有一个梦想,我非常想成为一名医生我想成为一名医生,因为医生可以治愈病人,从而使人们健康快乐 。医生可以帮助*,使更多*人得到医疗帮助,如果我是一名医生 , 我治愈*病人越多,我就会感到越幸福 , 这就是我*原因想成为一名医生,我会努力学习,这样我*梦想就能在将来实现 。
