drums是什么意思 drums是什么单位

drums是什么意思 drums是什么单位

大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题 。drums是什么单位 , drums是什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
【drums是什么意思 drums是什么单位】1、drum[drQm]n.鼓, 鼓声, 鼓形圆桶, [解]鼓膜, 鼓室vi.击鼓, 作鼓声vt.打鼓奏drumdrumAHD:[dr?m] D.J.[dr(m]K.K.[dr(m]n.(名词)Music 【音乐】 A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow cylinder or hemisphere with a membrane stretched tightly over one or both ends, played by beating with the hands or sticks.鼓:一种打击乐器,由中空的圆柱或半圆及紧绷在一端或两端的鼓膜组成,用手或棍击打演奏A sound produced by this instrument.鼓声:由这种乐器发出的声音Something resembling a drum in shape or structure, especially a barrellike metal container or a metal cylinder wound with cable, wire, or heavy rope.鼓状物:形状或结构上象鼓的东西 。
2、尤指桶状金属容器或缠满电缆、电线或粗绳的金属圆柱Any of various marine and freshwater fishes of the family Sciaenidae that make a drumming sound.石首鱼:一种石首鱼科海洋鱼或淡水鱼,能发出击鼓声Anatomy The eardrum.【解剖学】 耳鼓v.(动词)drummed,drum.ming 。
3、 drumsv.intr.(不及物动词)To play a drum or drums.击鼓To thump or tap rhythmically or continually:连续敲击:有节奏或连续地捶击或叩击:nervously drummed on the table.紧张地在桌上嗒嗒地敲击To produce a booming, reverberating sound by beating the wings, as certain birds do.拍翅,鼓翅:振翅发出低沉有回响的声音 , 如某些鸟振翅发出扑扑声v.tr.(及物动词)To perform (a piece or tune) on or as if on a drum.击鼓:击鼓或好象击鼓演奏(鼓曲或曲调)To summon by or as if by beating a drum.击鼓或好象击鼓召集To make known to or force upon (a person) by constant repetition:反复讲 。
4、鼓吹:不断重复从而使了解或灌输(给某人):drummed the answers into my head.把答案反复灌输到我头脑里To expel or dismiss in disgrace:轰走或开除:was drummed out of the army.被开除出军队 。
以上就是【drums是什么单位,drums是什么意思】相关内容 。
