


Internship expe*ence in Chengdu Tianya Automotive
Systems Co.ltd
Purpose: As an object of Tianya Automotive System Co. ltd’s logisti*
department of the warehouse keeper to field study and practice. Use our p*fessional knowledge to know the warehouse keeper’s workflow and content. Have a better understanding of logisti* work and link theory into practice. B*ng up working ability and solve p*blem’s ability. Achi* the target that I can do all I have learned .Ready to have a succes*ul life in our social life.
Time: 20xx.10.15 ~ 20xx.4.15
Address: #388,Chenglong Avenue,Longquanyi Dist*ct,Chengdu,
Sichuan P*vince ,China 610100
Company: Chengdu Tianya Automotive System Co.ltd.
Main content and expe*ence:
10 years of studying hard, can finally come in handy. Set foot into my long career as an expe*mental field with a youthful momentum. How*r, in reality, I found the future of social understanding in the university campus is an ideal, while the gap be*een ideals and reality in real life is so big.
At the first please let me int*duce my company― in Chengdu Tianya Automotive Systems Co.ltd,our company operating in China since 1985 , First operation in Qinhuangdao , supplying *tomotive brake lines. We are the one of company to p*vide *tomotive systems to FAW-Volks.
As a just inter the social’s student, the **r let me do warehouse **, there are some important things I have to attention. First important is don’t *ke ourselves sta*ng point too high to put .The **r told me bec*se I was a new staff so he let me to be a warehouse keeper .Warehouse keeper is a part of logisti* department.As a warehouse keeper the most basic quality is “circumspection” .Then ,I have to know our company’s p*ducts and know it well. Second, when we deliver goods we must know there are how much the p*duct in our warehouse. The last important thing is we must obey “first in first out”.This post looks very easy,but it not,if I didn’t pay attention to the p*cess,there was a mistake it will let the data could not calculate clearly and *ke the financial loss. Sometime I always exchange idea with our bookkeeper,bec*se they need our data to count. As a just inter the social’s student , I need step by step to work. Now ,I am responsible for warehouse **. When I first in this company *ryday I clean the box. FAW-Volks the request us *ke the box spotless. So it become an integral part of we must do *ryday.
After int*duce my job, there are another important things when we work, it is have a relationship with our colleague. When I first into the office, they working so busy, I didn’t know what I can do for them and didn’t familiar whit them ,I felt very lonely. As a new staff in first day, no people talk to you no people have lunch with you , I felt relay sad. I told myself I don’t want do this, I am not happy. When I get back to home I told to my parents, the told me as a new staff I must diligent than other staff, study hard, listen the old staff’s arrangement and always *ile to *ry one. In the next day, I do it. A few days later they accept me. Talk with me, and give me some job do , I am really happy. By this internship, I know a person who can have a good relations with other people in *rywhere, they are fluky.
After three month, I will leave this school .This fieldwork’s expe*ence give me a deeply feeling .School is different f*m the social. In college the teacher will told us what things you should do and what you can do. They teach us how to be a good person and a good student. We can learn * knowledge f*m our teacher, but we just learn , we don’t have chance to do it . As a student, we don’t have ability to *ke money. Our parents give us money in our school life, so we don’t know how hard to *ke money. This time we set foot in social leave f*m the school, we should earnmoney by our own hands. We are the youth ,we have * chance to show our ability. There are some sentences I remembered and I think it can used in our work and daily life. First “Years *y w*nkle the skin, but to give up enthusia* w*nkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spi*t back to dust.”This sentence told us to be a brave *n, we must beli* ourselves, if there has a p*blem , don’t worry and fear , we can solve it better. Second “Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a *n of sixty * than a boy of *enty. Nobody g*ws old merely by a number of years. We g*w old by deserting our ideals.” Don’t to be a lazy *n, we should working hard, whether in life or in work, don’t to be a adventu*us .Third have a st*ng cu*ous in work, learn to innovation . “Whether sixty or six*, there is in *ry hu*n being"s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what"s next and the joy of the * of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of be*ty, hope, cheer, courage and power f*m men and f*m the infinite, so long are you young.”Last, step by step to be a dependably person , g*wing knowledge in *rywhere and *ryday. Like this sentence “An inpidual hu*n existence should be like a *ver—s*ll at first, nar*wly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterf-alls. Gradually the *ver g*ws wider, the banks recede, the waters flow * quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea.” We are young, we have * energy to do *ny things, to become a brave and a s*rt person.
As a new staff, first we should do *rything with a humble attitude, a company different f*m college,we should learn much in social ,we must do *rything energetically and clearly.
