酒店英语口语 酒店英语口语900句mp3

酒店英语口语 酒店英语口语900句mp3

【酒店英语口语 酒店英语口语900句mp3】大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题 。酒店英语口语900句mp3,酒店英语口语这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、我就是在国外做酒店的...嘿嘿... Would you like to have a seat here? How many guests will be dining with you? May I take your order? Would you like to have a private seperated room? You have the lowest cost on the private seperated room,and the price of that is...... This is your check,sir. Here are the changes for you. Hope that I will see you again,take care,sir.这些都是很简单的语句,至于你说的那个what do you want to have,这个太没礼貌了,会让别人觉得你的服务质量很差的.....说了这么多,希望你喜欢罗..-_-b 。
以上就是【酒店英语口语900句mp3,酒店英语口语】相关内容 。
