

愚人节总是有些奇怪*事情发生,如果不小心就会被迷糊 。但当你一旦想到椒愚人节 , 你就会恍然大悟:
Today is a special day, why then, you will understand them are listed !
Section II of the afternoon class, Ms. Wang w*te a word on paper, she said there are 10 words, let us guess what, guess there are rewards. Many students raised their hands, hoping that the "reward", but finally Ms. Wang said, we are talking about are not very accurate, so look for a favo*te teacher, Wang sentence read out. Class suddenly boiling up, or else hand-held it aloft, or else cry at the bottom, in short sum*ry of each person are the new must be very excited and want to be the teacher points to the king. I have been the point Sansheng* read: "I do not want to fool you!" "Cut!" Coax the class is called. Ms. Wang said: "We should add one: Do not be fooled you!"
Not the whole people do not fun, Wang Weijia go to the toilet, can quickly she returned. When we see her, were first exposed puzzled expression, bec*se how she half crawling, half walking to come back? She moaned as the same as saying: "Wang Wang Teacher Teacher ... ... ... ..." Mr. Wang immediately ran to the door asked her how she had. Wang Weijia said: "I came upstairs fall." Whole class l*ghed. She added: "deceive you doing? I really fall come upstairs!"
We l*gh *n louder. Wang Weijia foot *y be due to the relationship be*een the knee where the fertilizer it is impossible for Wang to th*w the teacher thought she was b*ken legs, and immediately asked her: "Why do not you go check ah Rotary?" Last call of the sentence aloud Wang Weijia I did not hear clearly, and later asked Xing-fang, she said: "The teacher was the whole of the King!" Later, Ms. Wang explained that Wang Weijia points in the head with a few d*ps of water, so she thought bec*se of pain and out of the Wang Weijia Khan. Poor teachers, Wang said to be a good guard against us, let be a whole *y *ntually be full of.
The whole in the end the whole people, Wang Xing teachers, and we started playing, the teacher"s mind. Then we get a plan, called "weight-loss "action"."
A class is the class that we all ran on the fifth floor, Ms. Wang went to the Dean"s Office to call Xing teacher: "Hey, Xing teacher ah do not know why they are all east of the class hospital that ran the basketball court ah, it seems when big things happen! you go and let"s see it! "
Xing teacher immediately came out f*m the office, but he *n our class failed to see a person"s silhouette. He hur*ed phone call to Mr. Wang could not answer Ms. Wang, he called to the office, Ms. Wang is also called the other teachers went on to say she was not. To take this time, we immediately ran down f*m the fifth floor and return to the class*om and be* to do the exercises. Ms. Wang also followed into the class*om. Xing hur*ed back to the class*om teacher also saw we are quietly doing their homework, said: "Mr. Wang × × 了 吗?" We put on a very puzzled look asked:
"Xing teacher, the teacher how the king?" "Is the ah, she so why now?" Xing teacher next door away.
The whole person"s taste is good! So today is a special day!
