


Height of 1.86, and a look se*ous, the workers dressed in suits, full of energy. This is Who? This is my dad.
身高1.86,一脸严肃,身着工人服,精神抖擞 。这是谁呀?这就是我** 。
My father is a worker leader, his greatest fear is the company goes bankrupt, bec*se of him, the company, it is the lifeline! How*r, compared to me, that is not worth a mention!
Dad loves me, and I heard my mother say, Dad when I was young, bec*se I gave birth to an illness, for his sleepless eyes looked at me in a motionless, for fear of how I had.
*很爱我,我听*说,*在我小时候,因为我生了一场病,他彻夜未眠,眼睛一动不动*望着我 , 生怕我怎么了 。
Can be b*ught up but I also discuss how his father"s love can not afford to, for example, that sick. . . . . .
The way it is, winter, the peak of the ar*val of a cold, and there one night, I went to the toilet t*ps, one to come back and found that cold hands and feet, cough, f*r and other symptoms, I hasten to wake up Daddy, can her father was touched touch my head and continue to Overturn to sleep, I am angry, I am weak, I really no way, and had to go to mom.
事情是这样*,冬天,感冒*高峰期到来了 , 有一天晚上,我上了趟厕所,一回来,发现手脚冰凉,咳嗽,发热等症状,我赶紧叫醒* , 可*却摸了摸我*头,继续倒头睡觉 , 我愤怒 , 我虚弱,我实在没办法了,只好去找*了 。
Afterwards, the i*ge of his father"s tall, slowly melt in my heart, and finally, in this month, the third time to go home to *ke his i*ge f*m my mind completely turned into ashes.
事后,**高大形象在我心中慢慢融化,终于,在这个月第三次回家使他*形象从我心中彻底化成灰烬 。
"Eat! Also eat! Eat into what kind of a !" This is the father snapped my medication, I could not *, and three times stifled anger, burst out, "You give me shut up!" I am anxiously, and his father combatants spar together as a result, I lost the battle.
“吃!还吃!吃成什么样了呀!”这是*在呵斥吃药*我 , 我*不住了 , 三次*怒火*不?。欧⒘顺隼矗?“你给我闭嘴!”我急了,和*对打起来,结果,我还是败了 。
Dad 呀 Dad, how do you it? Is it bec*se I grew up, and you will force storm system ? ! Was a child, I was like a delicate eggshell porcelain, you b*ke my fear, but now, I have actually turned into a vent you have weapons, why? Is it, you do not love me?
*呀*,你怎么了?难道因为我长大了,你就*暴制呀?!小时候,我像一个精致*薄胎瓷,你生怕摔坏了我 , 可现在,我居然成了你发泄**,为什么呀?难道 , 你不爱我了?
