

小狗是我们人类最亲近最忠诚*动物 , 很多人都养狗,把他当作宠物,狗是我们忠实*伙伴,而其它动物却做不到* 。比如*,感觉它重来就不好亲近,你再怎么对他 , 它还是对你*远点……
Today, my father took me and my mother go to my grand* house to play.
To the grandmother I asked: "Grand*, the family dog?" Grand* said: "The dog birth to a dog, and it is to warm puppy." I was surp*sed and said: "wow! Birth to a puppy dog ah! "I hur*ed to the kitchen to see puppies. Really gave birth to four puppies. I grabbed a dog. It"s claws dangling, also en en c*ed. Do*om sta*ng at me, afraid I had hurt its children. Watched it not look at me, I"ll put them back. Soft hair dog that is very *ooth, like polished oil-like. They are very lovely she is. I will always look after them.
