

下面是一篇关于如何做番茄菜*英语作文,希望对您有帮助 。
Stu*s done scrambled eggs to*to
Mother"s food can be delicious! Today, my mother t*ght me to *ke to*to scrambled eggs, I first prepare ingre*nts, the ingre*nts are: 1 to*to, three eggs, a s*ll bowl of to*to s*ce, salt, sugar and oil. Prepared ingre*nts, you can start cooking up! To the first oil poured into pot, etc. After the oil hot then crack the eggs into the pot, such as eggs when the eggs form a block cut into s*ll c*ks and then into the bowl containing the egg, and then In Guo Lifang a little oil, put chopped to*toes to fry, put in to*to s*ce, put a little sugar, salt, then eggs into the pan, then scoop spade a spade, Sheng into the bowl, so that , a delicious to*to scrambled eggs ready.
Eating their own cooking can, I was flattered.
