


"Lose handkerchief, lose handkerchief, at the back of be put gently in the child... " is *rybody familiar with this song very much? Ha! You answered *"s question, this is " thin silk of wash one"s hands of " song, I often play this * in the school and class*tes, we looking in light of is how play!
Game begins, class*tes are sur*unded into a circle to sit, *rybody is very excited. Xiao* gets off red scarf, circling us to walk along circuit another *und, I f*m time to time on the sly takes aim Xiao* puts red scarf in my back. At this moment, xiao* puts red scarf gently at the back of of s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree, the response on horse of s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree comes, take red scarf to fly be like the g*und to chasing after Xiao*. S*ll pleasant in succession ran 34 *unds, just sit in s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree locally. Two people are breathless. S*ll phoenix tree and tung tree is spendin*easured steps slowly, hesitated a little while, th*w red scarf stealthily in my back, was discovered by me, I am rapid pick up red scarf goes chasing after s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree, s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree at a dr*ght by me nab, hahaha! Class*tes are chee*ng: "Perform, perform! " s*ll phoenix tree and tung tree was forced to sing a song.
Ah, activity of really happy the 2nd class*om!
