The diary of a young girl

The diary of ayoung girl
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl . When Ger*n Nazis started *ssacre all the Jewish . She and her family hid into a scrap buliding . To live on , they must be very quiet du*ng the daytime . The shortage of the *te*al , the aspiration of go outside , almost *de Anne crazy , she was so pitiful , I think , just bec*se she birth age , and the country . She loved the life and n*r lost hope of life , so she hadthe *ght to live on . But Nazis just killed them , and n*r thought about the result . That"s too cruel , they dep*ved Jewish"s *ght of living .
So , now I am very felicitate that I live in such a peaceful time , I don"t have to expe*ence the war myself , just watch them on TV , but I think the people now who is living in such a peaceful country hardly che*sh the life . Countless people killed themselves . They don"t have to think about how to live on , they think about — how to live better . That"s why they doesn"t che*sh their life , they think that death is better than living . So , that is "lost thing is the best thing" .
【The diary of a young girl】No *tter how hard the life is , be optimistic in your life , n*r stop trying hard , tomor*w will be better , I beli* .
