

1. In reply to your advertisement in todays *newspaper*, I respectfully offer my *s for the situtation.
拜读今*XX报上贵**,*人特此备函应征该职位 。
2. Replying to your advertisement in todays issue of the *newspaper*, I wish to apply for the position in your esteemed firm.
拜读贵*在今*(报章)上*,特此备函应征贵*该职位 。
3. With reference to your advertisement in *newspaper * of May 2 for a clerk, I oofer myself for the post.
从五月二*XX报上*栏得知*招聘一位职员 。
4. Please consider me an applicant ofr the position which you advertised in *newspaper* of December 5
【英文求职信常用语句:写应征函的起因】十二月五*贵*在XX报上*招聘人才,我愿应征,并请给予考虑 。
5. In reply to your advertisement in todays *newsaper* for an account, I tender my *s.
拜读今*XX报上贵**招才*,*人特此*会计一职 。
6. I should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in *newspaper* of July 22
贵*七月二十二*在XX报刊登招聘*职位,特此备函* 。
7. I wihs to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping f*m the *newspaper* of November 12.
谨随函附上十一月十二*XX报贵*招聘*,我愿*此一职位 。
8. Having noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings newspaper, I wish to apply for the position referred to.
拜读今*XX报*得知贵*正在招聘人才,*人附寄剪报申请此一职位 。
9. In answer to your advertisement in todays newspaper f* a secretary, I wihs to tender my *s.
阁下在今*XX报上刊登招聘秘书*,*人获悉 , 特此* 。
10. Learning f*m mr. S.P. Chen that you are looking for a sales **r, I should like to apply for the position.
从陈少朋友先生处得悉 , 贵*正在招聘一名业务经理,我愿*此职 。
11. Your advertisement for a telephone * in the newspaper of March 8 has interested me, I feel I can fill that position.
贵*三月八*在XX报上刊登招聘*接线员*,*人拜读极感兴趣,相信能担任此职 。
12. I would like to apply for the post of *le engineer as advertised in todays newspaper.
今*XX报上所刊登招聘男*工程人员,*人愿意应征此职 。
13. On looking over todays newspaper my attention was attracted by your advertisement for a libra*an. Now as I am desi*us of o*aining such a position, I should like to apply for the same.
拜读贵*在**XX报上所刊登*招聘* , 得悉贵*招聘一位图书馆员 。现在*人正寻找这一类职位,特此修函应征 。
14. Refer*ng to your advertisement in the newspaper of June 30 for an assistant chemist, I hope to offer my *s.
贵*六月三十*在XX报上刊登招聘*药剂师,*人特此备函应征 。
