


842 Bigelow StreetDoverNew HampshireHastings &Johnson Company92 Summer StreetBoston, MassachusettsGentlemen, Please consider this letter my application for the position of bookkeeper in your accounting department, which was advertised in the Boston Traveler of J une 14.I shall graduate the last of this month f*m the Dover High School, having co mpleted the four-year commercial course. I have attained an average of 89 in all of my Courses.For the past three summers, I have been employed in the office of the Walter Gog gin Shoe Company. In this work I have gained valuable expe*ence in office *uti ne. I *ed in the preparation of the monthly statement ,handled remittances, a nd assisted one of the bookkeepers with the monthly report.My record at high school together with the practical expe*ence which I have rec eived *kes me feel reasonably confident that I could be of *te*al assistance to you.I am permitted to refer you to:Mr. Earle R. Smith, P*ncipalDover High SchoolDover, New HampshireMr. Edward l. Post, Office Ma*rWalter Goggin Shoe CompanyDover. New HampshireMr. Ha*ld S. Harvey, AttorneyP*fessional BuildingDover, New HampshireI beli* that an interview will enable you to determine definitely my fi tness for the position referred to in the opening paragraph of this letter.Very truly yours, Lawrence Johnson
