改变角色的学问:change_learning [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the learningof a character
改变角色的勇猛:change_prowess [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the prowessof a character
删除角色的所有特质:clear_traits [character (optional)] - Removes all the traits of acharacter
删除角色的所有修改器:clear_character_modifiers [character (optional)] - Removes all themodifiers of a character
为角色设置指定绰号:set_nick(set_nickname) [nick_key] [character (optional)] - Sets thespecified nickname to a character
删除角色的绰号:remove_nick(remove_nickname) [character (optional)] - Removes thenickname of a character
显示调试计时信息:timer - Prints out debug timing info
开始调试计时:timer_start - Starts debug timing
重新启动(重置并启动)调试计时:timer_restart - Restarts (resets and starts) debug timing
重置调试计时:timer_reset - Resets debug timing
停止调试计时:timer_stop - Stops debug timing
转储调试计时信息:timer_dump - Dumps debug timing info
将计时器信息放入剪贴板:Ct - Puts timer info in clipboard
玩家立即建造:instabuild(quickbuild) - Players build things instantly
【王国风云3作弊码大全:控制台代码分享[多图]】验证AI单位路径:verify_ai_path - Verify an AI unit's path
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