不仅而且英语 “众所周知”用英文怎么翻译?

1不仅而且英语、as we all know

不仅而且英语 “众所周知”用英文怎么翻译?

【不仅而且英语 “众所周知”用英文怎么翻译?】例句:That, as we all know, is not only a possibility but a likelihood.
众所周知,那不仅可能发生,而且是很可能发生 。
2、It is well known that
例句:It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda\\’s staple diet.
竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的 。
3、as everyone knows
例句:SIS, as everyone knows, gathers intelligence for britain overseas.
众所周知,秘密情报局为英国在海外收集情报 。
4、as is known to all
例句:Great changes have taken place in China, as is known to all.
中国发生了巨大的变化,众所周知 。
5、every barber knows that
例句:Every barber knows that. Then, just as suddenly, it all collapsed around him, in a whirl of failed productions and very public sex scandals.
尔后,随着一连串的失败作品和公众皆知的性丑闻,一切又突如其来地崩溃了 。
6、everybody knows
例句:Everybody knows they haven\\’t got a hope in hell of forming a government anyway.
众人皆知他们根本就无力组建政府 。
