busto是哪里 bustop( 六 )

Since then,everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I try to tell _55_to be sure and I will find myself.This is not only for a person but also for a country.
46.A.too B.so C.quite D.very
47.A.made faces at B.looked after C.caught up with D.laughed at
48.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything
49.A.take part in B.join C.get D.make
50.A.lose B.win C.pass D.beat
51.A.words B.topics C.times D.sentences
52.A.well B.good C.bad D.interested
53.A.for B.at C.from D.to
54.A.when B.what C.which D.who
55.A.someone B.me C.everything D.myself
通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择更佳的一项 。
It snowed heavily in November,2009 in northern China.Big snows _36_on Beijing,Hebei,Shanxi,Ningxia and Xinjiang .For many cities ,it was the _37_snowfall in 50 years .The snow made traveling hard .Many schools had to _38_for days.
Jia Aizhen,14,lives in Taiyuan,Shanxi.She _39_have a mid-term test on Wednesday._40_the snow ,they had the test on Sunday instead.
“It was _41_because we had more time to review(复习)our lessons ,”said Jia,She enjoyed the snow.It was as deep as half way _42_her leg. “I felt peaceful(平和的)and relaxed to see the white _43_world.”
Kang Xinyi,13,and Wang Danyang 13,are clas *** ates at Shijiazhuang No.43 Middle School in Hebei.Their school _44_on the first day of snowing.Kang said the snow in the yerd was as _45_as 40cm.
“It was so good _46_we didn’t have to go to school!”said Kang Kang.Wang and another friend had a snowball fight(打雪仗)and _47_snowmen.They also helped clear snow _48_the roads.
“I never saw such a big snow,”said Wang. “Last year we only made a*** all snow panda,but this year our snowman is _49_tall as 1 meter!”
“If the snow didn’t make_50_for traffic,we would hope it would never stop!”said the girls.
( )36.A.rose Braised C.felt D.fell
( )37.A.fewest B.least C. *** allest D.biggest
( )38.A.work B.study C.close D.trip
( )39.A.may B.must C.should D.would
( )40.A.As for B.As result of C.According to D.Because of
( )41.A.bad B.good C.lucky D.strange
( )42.A.up B.down C.into D.on
( )43.A.rainy B.snowy C.windy D.foggy
( )44.A.opened B.put C.began D.stopped
( )45.A.deep B.high C.big D.heavy
( )46.A.when B.if C.that D.what
( )47A.found B.did C.hit D.made
( )48.A.off B.out C.away D.through
( )49.A.so B.such C.as D.that
( )50.A.quickness B. *** ooth C.trouble D.covenience
One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown.He hadn’t seen of his friends for many years,who was a_41_man.When Sheikh asked about him,he was told by people that he was no longer poor.Sheikn _42_to pay a visit to his friend.
_43_talking with his friend,Sheikh asked him the _44_for the change.The man answered that he had been so poor that he had to sell some properties(财产)that _45_him.By selling these things,he had _46_some money enough to start a business with.
As he was on his way home with the money,he saw a poor woman_47_by the road.The man asked the woman reason,and she_48_that her hu *** and died and her children were _49_.Hearing this,the man felt pity,and on seeing that she needed to money than _50_,he gave all the money to her.He _51_home and spent the night sad and _42_for his family.
The next morning,_53_he was summoned (召唤)to the house of a rich man.The rich man told him that he had _54_bags ofrice which he wanted to sell quickly and the man could buy it at a low price on loan(借用)from him.The poor man did so and sold the rice _55_.Soon he became rich.
41.A.poor B.rich C.silly D.lazy
42.A.refused B.forgot C.allowed D.decided
43.A.Until B.While C.Before D.Unless
44.A.reason B.message C.time D.plan
45.A.woke up B.got annoyed C.belonged to D.paid for
46.A.wasted B.carried C.chose D.collected
47.A.walking B.crying C.lying D.standing
48.A.explained B.believed C.dreamed D.imagined
49.A.dangerous B.crazy C.hungry D.angry
50.A.hers B.his C.herself D.himself
51.A.drove B.left C.returned D.stayed
52.A.pleased B.worried C.disappointed D.injured
53.A.surprisingly B.happily C.unluckily D.differently
54.A.thousands B.many thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of
55.A.possibly B.loudly C.badly D.quickly
(2010·福建省福州市,II,10) 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出更佳选项 。
It was almost 9:00 p.m.When Mary left her office to go home,it was _46_.She started her car and drove back to her home in the country.
The snow was heavy.Then Mary crossed a*** all_47_.Suddenly the car rushed out of the bridge which was covered with ice.Mary hit her head on the steering wheel(方向盘)and lost consciousness(感觉).
