busto是哪里 bustop( 七 )

When she woke up,her head was bleeding(流血),and she was shaking from the _48_.She didn’t know _49_she was.Mary opened her ear door and looked around.She was _50_the bridge,and her car was sitting on the frozen river!She felt very sad.She knew the ice wouldn’t hold her car for very _51_.She tried to climb up to the bridge several times,but she kept _52_in the snow.Mary tried again and again,but still she couldn’t get up.She realized that _53_could see her car under the bridge.She was lying in the snow,and she couldn’t move.Mary closed her eyes and waited to _54_.
Then she heard a _55_.Mary opened her eyes.There was an old man standing over her.With the help of the old man,she stood up and walked up.
46.A.raining B.snowing C.shining
47.A.road B.river C.bridge
48.A.heat B.cold C.cool
49.A.where B.what C.who
50.A.on B.under C.behind
51.A.short B.high C.long
52.A.falling B.fell C.to fall
53.A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody
54.A.sleep B.walk C.die
55.A.voice B.song C.talk
(2010·贵州省铜仁市,II、,10) (阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的选项中选择能填入相应空白处的更佳选项,并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑 。)
A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of 36 . He asked every taxi-driver’s name. Then he took the third one. It 37 5 dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. “ 38 does it take to hire(雇请) you for the whole day?” The man asked. “100 dollars,” said the taxi driver. This was very 39 , but the man agreed. Then the taxi-driver showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went 40 to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, “ What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver 41 the man and said, “Tomorrow? That will be 42 100 dollars.” But the man said it was OK. The taxi-driver was very 43 to be getting more money.
The next evening, after taking the traveler to visit the same parks and museums, the taxi-driver 44 another 100 dollars, he felt guilty(有罪的)because 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. “So you’re from New York.” said the taxi-driver. “I have a 45 in New York. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?” “Sure. She gave me 200 dollars to give you!”.
36. A. trains B. trucks C. taxis
37. A. cost B. paid C. spent
38. A. How many B. How long C. How much
39. A. cheap B. low C. dear
40. A. ahead B. back C. across
41. A. looked at B. looked after C. looked for
42. A. the other B. another C. other
43 A. angry B. unhappy C. pleased
44. A. received B. gave C. borrowed
45. A. brother B. son C. sister
【busto是哪里bustop】【答案】CACCB ABCAC
