两岸猿声啼不住全诗 两岸猿声啼不住( 二 )

arbitrarily /?ɑ?rb??trer?li/ :武断地;专横地
rummage /?r?m?d?/:乱翻;搜寻
华春莹说 , 中方欢迎所有不带偏见的各国人士访问新疆 , 但是坚决反对基于谣言、谎言对中国进行有罪推定式的所谓调查 。
We welcome all unbiased people to visit Xinjiang. That said, we firmly reject so-called investigation with presumption of guilt by citing lies and rumors, firmly reject interference in China's domestic affairs under the pretext of human rights, and firmly reject playing up the so-called Xinjiang-related issues to undermine China's stability and contain China's development.
presumption of guilt:有罪推定
来源: 中国日报双语新闻
