break什么意思 bra什么意思( 三 )

Another posted: 'I change my bra every day and put into the wash with everything else I've worn that day. I wouldn't wear something more than once without washing.'
另一条回复则说道:“我每天都要换文胸,当天穿的所有衣物都要清洗,我不会穿一件没洗的衣服两次 。”
One similarly disgusted user wrote: 'You should hand wash your bra after every use. I'm repulsed at the idea of re-wearing a bra - imagine all the sweat.'
一位同样有点反感的用户写道:“每次穿过之后,你都应该手洗文胸 。我绝对不会再穿被穿过的文胸--想想那上面的汗!”
Many said it depended on the situation, with one explaining she washed her bra 'after every wear' because she has an 'active job and they would stink' if she didn't.
但是许多人也表示这取决于环境,一名用户解释称,自己“每次穿过之后”都会清洗文胸,因为她的工作“运动量很大,如果不洗的话就会变臭” 。
Another user argued that she could re-wear her bra once or twice unless it was 'obviously dirty' or had something 'spilled on it'.
另一名用户则表示,如果文胸不是“特别脏”或者“附着什么异物”的话,她会再穿一到两次 。
Justifying her position, one pointed out she was following the instructions of the bra fitter. 'They are expensive and washing too much ruins them,' she said.
一名用户为了证明她的立场,指出自己只是遵照了文胸说明书的做法而已 。她说道:“文胸很贵,洗的次数太多就会毁掉它们 。”
Others were quick to agree with the woman asking the question. One woman wrote: 'My bras don't*** ell. I feel sorry for people who need to wash theirs after every wear! Perhaps it depends on your size.'
还有人很快就对发帖人表示赞同,一名女性写道:“我的文胸没有味道,我真为那些每穿过一次就必须要洗的人感到难过!也许这取决于你的尺寸 。”
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