迎难而上的近义词成语 迎难而上的近义词

同学们 , 中考对各种英语同义/近义词(组)短语辨析和转化的考查可以说是遍布和渗透到了各个题型 , 单选、完形填空 , 阅读表格填空....很多同学对这块知识掌握得不全面 , 导致经常性丢分 。所以这个假期我希望你一天一点点 , 有计划的完成以下词组的记忆背诵 。
积累是源泉 , 积累是力量 , 只有踏踏实实的积累 , 才会有后来实实在在的收获 。愿你迎难而上 , 日积月累 , 全面掌握各种中考常考同义/近义词(组)的辨析和转化 , 到时候你会发现你的阅读理解题做的又快又对!
1. (Are you)kidding?=joking
2. (be)ready= be prepared
3. (I wonder) if =whether
4. (I)suppose(认为)=think
5. (in my )opinion=view
6. (rain)hard=heavily
7. (what a )pity(多遗憾啊). =shame
8. a few=some/several
9. a large amount of=much
10.a little later=minute/moment
11. a lot of/lots of/plenty of=many/much
12. about(大约)=around
13. advice=suggestions
14. afraid= frightened/scared
15. almost =nearly
16. ancient=old
17. annoyed =angry
18. as well as=and

迎难而上的近义词成语  迎难而上的近义词

19. as(当…时)=when
20. as(因为)=because
21. at times= sometimes
22. at the start of=beginning
23.be amazed at=surprised(对…感到惊奇)
24. be going to=will
25. be happy with(对…感到满意)= be pleased/satisfied with
26. be over= end
27. become=turn(颜色)/get(温度)
28. call(给…打 *** ) *** =phone***
29. called(叫做)=named
30. certain =sure
31. chance(机会) =opportunity
32. classes=lessons
33.clever=wise/ *** art/bright/intelligent
34. common=ordinary(普通的 , 平凡的)
35. complete =finish
36. completely=totally(完全地)
37. correct = right
38. delicious=tasty(美味的)
【迎难而上的近义词成语迎难而上的近义词】39. die out =disappear
40. difficult =hard
41. dislike= hate
42. don’t have to=needn’t
43. dress(衣服) =clothes
44. earn money=make
45. easy =simple
46. enjoy=like/love
47. every=each
48. exam = test
50. film=movie
51. find out=discover
52. fortunately= luckily
53. friendly=nice/kind
54. funny =interesting
55. gift=present(礼物)
56. glad=happy
57. go on=continue
58. grow sth=plant sth
59. have tea=drink tea
60. have(拥有)= own
61. high=tall
62. huge=big
63.I was deeply moved=touched
64. I'm concerned=worried
65. I’m not expected to do housework.= required/asked
66. in silence=silently
67. ill=sick
68. main=major(主要的)
69. maybe= perhaps
70. method=way
71. mind(脑海)=brain
72. missing(丢失的)=lost
73. more than=over
74. my look =appearance(外表)
75. need=want/require
76. notice=see/find
77. obey (the rule)=follow(遵守)
78. offer***sth=give
79. on (关于)=about
80. one more =another
81. photos=pictures
82. pick (the right out)=choose
83. place (sth on the desk)=put
84. pleasant=nice
85. quiet=silent
86. rapid=fast
87. recently=lately
88. repair=fix/mend
89. reply (to)=answer
90. rescue=save
91. rich= wealthy
92. sad=unhappy
93. see (the king)=meet
94. seem relaxed=appear
95. serve (food)=provide/offer
96. shout=cry
97. special =unusual(特别的)
99. start(started)=begin(began)
100. study=learn
101. stupid=foolish/silly
102. suggestions =advice
103. sure=certain
104. take place=happen
105. talk about=discuss
106. terrible=awful/bad
107. the sign said=read
108. think about=consider
109. tidy=clean
110. tiny= *** all
111. trick( ***into doing)=fool
112. trip =journey(旅途)
113. type=kind/sort
114. useful =helpful
115. very =quite/pretty
116. we don’t mind=care(在意)
117. wish ( ***to do)=expect
118. would like=want
