1.万宝路(美国香烟品牌) 。
2.[地名] [加拿大、美国] 马尔伯勒 。
读音:[ma?lb?u r??]
【marlboro是什么意思中文翻译 Marlboro是什么意思?】例句:The best seller cigarette in the world is Marlboro Cigarettes.
翻译:世界上卖的最好的香烟是万宝路 。
1.Marlboro advertisement is the spokesman for cultural hegemony, but also McDonald'sadvertising.
万宝路广告是霸权文化的代言人,麦当劳广告亦然 。
2.BAT is the world's second-largest cigarette maker after Altria, home of Marlboro.
英美烟草是继万宝路所有者奥驰亚集团之后的世界第二大卷烟制造商 。
3.The Marlboro Snus test was previously expanded at the beginning of this year when it entered Phoenix.
万宝路鼻烟此前试销的扩张是在今年年初,当时它进入了凤凰城 。
4.Now, before you misinterpret what I'm saying, I'm not suggesting that we all run out and buy ourselves a pack of Marlboro and some clay.
现在,在你误解我的话之前,我并不是建议大家都出去买包万宝路和一些泥巴 。
5.But you would too if a couple of Marlboro Lights and a celery stick were all you could expectat dinner time.
不过,如果你能指望的正餐只是两支万宝路香烟和一根芹菜梗,你也会有怨言 。
OK,本文到此结束,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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