television是什么意思中文翻译 television是什么意思

Section A
I. I’m watching TV.
watch 作动词
1. 看,观察
They all want to watch a game of football. 她们都想看一场足球竞赛 。
Do you often watch television? 你常看电视吗?
2. 探求,等候
She watched her moment to cross the road. 她看准机会横穿街道 。
He watched to see what I would do. 他等着看我要做什么 。
3. (常与over 连用)照顾;光顾
Will you watch over the baby while I'm out? 我出门时你办理这个婴孩好吗?
扩充:look, watch, see和read辨别
(1) look是不迭物动词,意为“看,瞧”,夸大看的举措,不谈截止,如后接宾语,就用“look at...” 。
(2) see是及物动词,常与少许动词形成短语,如see a film(看影戏), see a doctor(看大夫) 。独立运用道理是“看到”,夸大截止 。
(3) watch意为“看,观察,查看”,指有手段地,会合提防力地观察、注意,常常用来看电视,体育震动或竞赛等 。
(4) read意为“读,看”,常常指念书,看报 。
Ⅱ. do one's homework
homework 表白“家园功课,课外功课”,为不行数动词 。
(1) Do you finish your homework? 你做完作业了吗?
(2) I finish doing my homework. 我做完功课了 。
(3) At night, the children always do their homework. 黄昏儿童们老是做功课 。
扩充:housework表白“家事”,为不行数动词 。(1) I always help my mum with the housework.
(2) I prefer to do my homework rather than do housework.
Ⅲ. (talk ) on the phone 挂 ***
You are wanted on the phone. 你有 ***。
Mike is watching TV while talking on the phone. 迈克正在边看电视边打电
扩充:与on the phone 一致运用的电器类的再有:on TV, on the radio, on mobile phone
(1) Is there anything good on TV? 电视上再有什么风趣的剧目吗?
(2) I heard it on the radio. 我从无线电播送入耳到了这动静 。
IV. Does Steve want to go to the movies?
1. want to do 想要做…
would like to do 想要做
2. go to the movies 去看影戏,美利坚合众国讲法
go to the cinema 去看影戏,英国讲法
movie为美利坚合众国英语,指影戏 。
Let’s go to the movies. 让咱们去看影戏吧 。
film为英国英语,表白影戏 。
I saw a film last night. 我昨晚看了一部影戏 。
Ⅴ. That sounds good.
sound 在这边为系动词(听起来),刻画词good 作宾语
The story sounds interesting. 故事听起来风趣 。
(1) see, hear, feel, watch, look,这五个动词均可作连系动词,反面接刻画词作者宾语,证明主语所处的状况 。其道理辨别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……" 。
These flowers*** ell very sweet. 那些花闻起来很香 。
The tomatoes feel very soft. 那些西红柿摸起来很软 。
(2) 那些动词反面也可接介词like短语,like反面常用动词 。
Her idea sounds like fun.她的办法听起来很风趣 。
(3) 这五个感觉器官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看上去……"讲时)只能作不迭物动词外,其他四个既可作及物动词也可作不迭物动词,此时动作实义动词讲时其主语普遍为人 。(和1有辨别)
She*** elt the meat. 她闻了闻那块肉 。
I felt in my pocket for cigarettes. 我用手在口袋里摸卷烟 。
(4) taste,*** ell作不迭物动词时,可用来"taste /*** ell + of +动词"构造,意为"有……滋味/气息" 。
The air in the room*** ells of earth.屋子里的气氛有股土壤味 。
(5) 它们(sound之外)不妨径直作动词,与have或take形成短语 。
May I have a taste of the moon cakes? 我不妨尝一口这馅儿饼吗?
I don't like the taste of the garlic. 我不爱好大蒜的滋味 。
She dresses in poor taste. 她衣着没有品味 。
The place has a European look.此地具备欧洲特性 。
My watch is expensive.我的腕表很贵 。
(6) 个中look, sound, feel还能形成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"构造,意为"看上去/听起来/发觉犹如……" 。
It looks as if our class is going to win.可见咱们班犹如要成功了.
(7) 感觉器官动词+to 与+doing的辨别:
感觉器官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to,*** ell, taste, feel + do 表白举措的完备性,如实性;+doing 表白举措的贯串性,举行性
I saw him work in the garden yesterday.
昨天我瞥见他在花圃里干活了 。(夸大"我瞥见了"这个究竟)
