
1求助翻译毕业论文不要网上在线翻译的 谢谢Design principles
Design is a creative act, it can not be separated on a material nature, functions, the price of the option, and packaging design of products pictures, text and background configuration, it is necessary to attract the attention of the customer-centric. But how can we be fully taken into account these conditions? Followed by my own work (moon bag), for example give a brief discussion.
I chose the materials of paper, 2:01 reasons: relative to paper with a soft, deformable, to any of its collapse, which makes modeling, more convenient to carry. The weight of the paper is not the moon is full of affordable housing. 2 'with the price of moon cakes is not too expensive for the cheap paper, a wide range of applications. In more and more people call for sustainable development, as opposed to plastic, and other organic materials with recyclable paper, easy to break down, people have been affected by pro-Levin.
The bag form, I remain a popular rectangular box at the same time, they do form a corresponding treatment on both sides of the bag has a circular hole in place of, so that both can see the inside of outside goods, And save a great deal of material, and most of the moon is round and round it gave meaning to, and let people see the bag will be able to imagine a time when the goods inside.
Color in packaging design occupies an important position in particular. In the highly competitive commodity markets, to make a clear goods from other visual characteristics of the product, more temptation to charm consumers, to stimulate and guide the consumer, as well as to enhance people's brand of memory, which can not be separated from the design of color And use. On the packaging designers is the most important - is best for the consumer color, design and promote the consumption of color, I chose the color with the visual impact of large red and yellow, more people can win the Eyes.
Since ancient times, there are a lot of the beauty myth wrapped, so I wrapped the use of Chinese painting as a packaging design, so that not only cater to the theme of the goods, and in line with Chinese tradition. Such a pattern of domestic consumers to better understand it, do not have to be able to understand the text on the inside know the merchandise, and such a pattern from the classical myth of the emotionally closer to the consumers and the distance at the same time be able to play a propaganda Own goods, and other related merchandise to distinguish.
Packaging can be less than is the text of the note will allow more people to be able to understand the goods, raw materials, preparation, function, and the use of nursing, but also with the same color in the minds of people make the association, was caused by the reaction, I generally Shows that under the premise of the brand have given prominence, is to become the main commodity name, so that can achieve the effect of publicity, and gives a clear identification of.
Overview on the design can be drawn not only need new ideas, and meet the needs of its goods and choice of material awareness, but also with a good package of pictures, text and background. 121,120,122 period
2中秋节马上就要到了,超市推出两种月饼,一种是传统型,月饼包装盒以红色为主;一种是创新型2012中秋月饼系列报道2012年08月24日 02:14来源:郑州晚报 字号:TT0人参与 0条 打印转发离中秋节还有好多天,“月饼大战”已是“山雨欲来风满楼” 。这几天,在一些超市和西饼店,已早早挂出了促销价 。月饼年年有,花样年年新 。近年来,元祖食品、仟吉、西萨、香雪儿等品牌将西式风格引入月饼中,这些品牌从口味到包装都更加年轻化、时尚化,吸引了大批的80后和90后 。这也促进了众多传统品牌的创新 。采访人员 熊维维包装色彩更鲜亮金门以往的包装都是古色古香,包装比较传统,据金门饼家相关负责人介绍,今年则推出了一些年轻化的品种,采用较鲜亮的色彩包装 。此外,金门还推出了不少健康口味月饼 。和金门一样,西萨、九头崖也推出了新口味月饼以适应年轻消费者的口味 。好利来在经典的广式蛋黄、伍仁月饼基础上,配合新推出的滇式云腿玫瑰,再加上酥松的椒盐豆沙和酥软的金沙玫瑰,每一块月饼都将给大家带来全新的美味享受 。同时,好利来的包装一共有四个系列:适合送客户的锦鲤系列,比较浪漫的天鹅湖系列,适合送给高雅人士的玫瑰系列,还有象征着富贵的祥龙系列,这四个系列的包装不管从选材还是设计元素上都力求无可复制,给顾客一款特别的月饼 。和其他厂商不同的是,仟吉致力于打造“味觉空间里的情调家”,努力带给大家时尚、健康、美味的产品 。礼盒采用简单的图形相互叠加,使包装设计更富有层次感 。缤纷的色彩,给人甜蜜浪漫的视觉享受 。整体采用天地盖,简单时尚,性价比高,内配精致美观的创新皮月饼,玫瑰乳酪月饼以及一副刀叉,给人视觉与味觉的双重体验 。外观别致更环保中州皇冠假日***的礼盒外观颇为别致,半圆形的设计,独具一格 。据中州皇冠假日***负责人透露,礼盒打开成圆形,中秋节的主题就是团圆,也是中国人文化心理的最终归宿,中秋是一个圆,月亮的圆,月饼的圆,以及每个人心中所追求的美好的团圆,皇冠精品礼盒恰好给中秋节“团圆”增添了几分韵味 。郑州粤海***月饼包装风格各异,有时尚派也有传统派,并结合龙年特别推出的特色龙饼,倡导绿色环保理念,无过度包装,最真实地体现月饼品质 。香雪儿特主推中国红和翠如意两款系列包装 。中国红以经典红色为主,寓意生活红红火火,和和美美 。翠如意以雍容华贵的牡丹层叠铺垫开来,寓意花开富贵,吉祥如意 。把香雪儿最美的中秋祝福洒满人间 。花花牛“皇家金品”月饼礼盒是铁盒装,并配以手提袋,礼盒是设计风格精致独特,大显皇家风范,是中秋高档礼品首选 。广州大***“养生四宝”月饼礼盒采用双层双色折叠盒型,并配以手提袋,内置四个品种的月饼各两块,集传统文化与时尚大气容为一体,也是中秋上乘礼品 。你好,可以吗,字数多你删除一些,就好,望采纳 。
