最新好听的英文游戏名字大全( 四 )



下面是小编为大家编辑的好听的英文情侣游戏名字,如果你也喜欢好听的英文情侣游戏名字,一起来看看吧 。
他和她 | 她和他

He and she | her and him

小安静° | 小脾气°

Small quiet ° | small temper °

陪你哭@ | 陪你笑@

@ | accompany you laugh @ accompany you cry

太刻意! | 很在意!

Too sedulous! | care about!

清风渡 | 不归路

The wind crossing the | point of no return

你随心. | 我随意.

You do. | I casually.

入了心 | 动了情

| to move into a heart

陈情表i | 出师表i

Biao I | out effectively as I

别皱眉. | 有我陪.

Don't frown. | I accompany.

我姓梁i | 我心凉i

My name is liang I | my heart is cold I

忠于你 | 终遇你

Be loyal to you | to meet you

高八度 。| 低八度 。

High-pitched. | the performer voice low 8 degree.

旧相识 | 老好友

Old acquaintance | old friends

陪与伴 | 伴与久

Accompany with companion | and long

念你好 | 伴你老

Hello | with you old

久不遇 | 难再得

For a long time the worst | difficult again

春衫薄 | 时光凉

A thin unlined upper garment | time cold spring

梦七离i | 寻三世i

Finished I | iii I found

不辜负 。| 不奢望 。

Live up to. | don't entertain wild hope.

厌则走i | 喜则留i

Anaerobic is go | I like is the I

等风来 | 晚风归

Such as the wind to | night breeze

半面妆 | 全素颜

Half a make-up | without makeup

空了心i | 失了念i

Empty heart | I read I have lost

青衫落 | 白衣染

The blue dye | white

等时光 | 长岁月

Wait time | long years

冷风吹i | 故人归i

The cold wind blow I memorize | I

看你笑 | 和她闹

See you smile | and she

初相识 | 终相守

Early know | end together


再落空 | 又落空

Failed | and failed again

绾青丝. | 挽情思.

Wan moss. | holding emotions and thoughts.

梦三年 | 忆三国

Three years in a dream | have three kingdoms

梦一场 | 情一诺

Dream a | a Noel

我在这i | 等你归i

I wait for you in this I | I

我爱她 | 我碍他

I love her | I hinder him

想念式 | 思念情

Miss type | missing mood

牵我手 | 带我走

Hold my hand | take me away

陪你哭i | 陪你笑i

| I accompany you laugh I accompany you cry

你不在 | 心会痛

You weren't | heart hurts

故人酒. | 旧人醉.

Old wine. | the old drunk.

天很蓝 | 风很暖

The sky is very blue | the wind is very warm

南三暖 | 北三凉

South three warm | north is cool

可曾经i | 又或许i

But once I | maybe I

小时光@ | 小青春@

Hours of light @ @ | small youth

我姓王、 | 我心亡、

My name is wang, | my heart is dead,

最初呢 。| 然后呢 。

The original? | then?

比翼鸟. | 连理枝.

A pair of lovebirds. | twinned trunks.

失魂者 | 空心人

| hollow people lost souls

吹雨心. | 听风梦.

Blow the rain heart. | listen to the wind.

等风来 | 听风说

Such as the wind to | listen to the wind

陪你闹 | 逗你笑

Accompany you make | make you laugh


网友解答:虫の妻 ~ 好名字吧 哈 0 0

都要英文哦~5-6字母的单词翻译出来好听的 在线等!

网友解答:lonely 孤独的

好听的英文游戏名字问题三:英文名最好与中文名发音一致,如 郑丽丽Lily Zheng、杨 俊June Yang、张 波Bob Zhang等 如果做不到,读音尽量相近也行,如陈方宁Fanny Chen李连杰 Jet Li 、谢霆锋Tim Xie、周建设 Jason Zhou等


