伤感的英文句子( 十 )

63、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面 。

6once upon a time I didn't learn to cry, now I always was in tears.


6silly bear the tears, cry tell yourself to be strong with a smile


Failed to live up to 6qingluan bronze mirror of moss inch black splendid jade son to knock equation to sweet gauze JianSheng degrees deep how much

66、你要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去 。

6do you want to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I also did not go.

67、静水流深,沧笙踏歌;三生阴晴圆缺,一朝悲欢离合 。

6still waters run deep, cang sheng extension; Good waxing, rain or shine once sensitized.


After 6you are my light years old friends meet each other after life,


69 and 6only a few points ink will gently jie a page


7don't love beauty beauty how galling who asked made a play for our favorite stylemakers again



1)Desire will be absorbed in sad, qing song mo heartbroken!

2)经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆 。

2)By the time becomes the water to see the fireworks conceits full moon.

3)破冢蝶飞不过瞬间,惬梦中红颜浮生却变 。

3)Burial butterfly fly but the instant, is just a dream you can do.


4)Shengshi or killing patches of engraved books alone people care about missing his lonely feeling

5)千年还似一梦前尘已茫茫犹醒梦中搁浅往事速苍苍 。

5)One thousand also seemed to dream has the vast sing with stranded speed past maturity of wake dream.

6)他微笑着,在岁月的流失中毁掉自己 。

6)He smiled, destroyed in the loss of time.

7)缤纷且浮华,不过情非得已 。

7)Colorful and flashy, but have to have.

8)超过别人一点点,别人就会嫉妒你;超过别人一大截,别人就会羡慕你 。

8)A little bit more than others, others will envy you; A lot more than others, others will envy you.


9)To smile to the world of mortals than total I fly with full sleeves

10)缘来缘去不过梦一场,梦醒了无痕 。

10)Love edge to but a dream, waking up the radiant.


11)Empty this deadly touching was happening

12)最爱的未必适合在一起,相爱是让彼此做自己 。

12)Favorite may not be suitable for together, love is to let each other be yourself.

13)那被岁月覆盖的花开,一切白驹过隙成为空白 。

13)The covered by years of flowers, and all the blink as blank.

14)灯火星星,人声杳杳,歌不尽乱世烽火 。

14)Lights the stars, human space space, song is gone with fire.


15)Shallow spring deep grain rain fast-flushers star eye charm jiao


16)Landscape a ride I issued the beatles songs overnight and monring winds waning moon


17)Dongfeng meet to one hundred apart but hate so I don't know

18)那些繁华哀伤终成过往,请不要失望,平凡是为了最美的荡气回肠 。

18)Those busy sad end into the past, please don't be upset, ordinary is for the best of them.


19)Weak water three thousand take a gourd ladle from thought heart feels


20)The furnace smoke monster around like a foot yarn

21)浮生如此,别多会少,不如莫遇 。

21)You can't so, don't suffer less, than the mo.

22)随你走在天际,看繁花满地 。

22)As you walk in the sky, see flowers everywhere.


23)The last smile color fade away a second life


24)Heaven and earth for the furnace, everything in the world, and all, who is not in full-time?

25)红尘初妆,山河无疆 。最初的面庞,碾碎梦魇无常,命格无双 。

25)At the beginning of the world of mortals makeup, sunvo boundless. The original face, crushed nightmare impermanent, one like you.
