泽稷教育 ACCA F2的高频易错题都有哪些

2016年ACCA考试复习重点整理之F2《管理会计》 。
1.Target cost= target selling price – target profit = market price – desired profit margin.
2. cost gap= estimated cost – target cost.
3. TQM :
① preventing costs
② appraisal costs
③ internal failure costs
④ external failure cost
4. Alternative costing principle:

①ABC(activity based costing)
②Target costing
③Life cycle
5. Laspeyre=
6. Paashe price index=
7. Fisher =
8. Time series:

②seasonal variation: ⑴ 加法模型sum to zero; ⑵ 乘法模型sum to 4
③cyclical variation
④random variation
9. pricipal budget factor 关键预算因子:be limited the activities
10. budget purpose :
③compel the plan
④motivative employees
⑤resource allocation

11. Budget committee 的功能:①coordinated ②administration
12. Budget : ①function budget ②master budget : 1. PL ; 2. B/S ; 3. Cash Flow
13. Fixed Budget: 不是在于固不固定 , 而是基于一个业务量的考虑 , financail expression.
Flexible Budget: 包含了固定成本和变动成本 , 并且变动成本的变化是随着业务量的变化而改变 。
14. Flexible Budget 的优点:
① recognize different cost behavior.
② improve quality and a comparison of like with like
③ help managers to forecast cost, revenue and profit.
15. Flexible Budget 的缺点:
1 假设太简单 。
2 需要更多的时间准备预算编制 。
16. Controllable cost is a “cost which can be influenced by ” its budget holder. 大部分的变动成本是可
控的 , non-controllable cost 为inflation.
17. Budget Behavior :
① participate approach
② imposed budget
18. payback 投资回收期的缺点:
① ignore profitability
② the time value of money is ignored
3 没有考虑项目后期带来的经济利益
4 arbitray 武断
19. payback 投资回收期的优点:
① easy to calculate
② widely use
③ minimize the effect of the risk and help liqidity
