毕业祝福语大全( 五 )

【97】:轻轻的我们相聚一起,无限欢声和笑语;轻轻的我们又要分离,情谊栓起彼此;毕业的我们再难相聚,让我的祝福随你一路 。

【98】:生命的长河中,留不住的是年华和往事,留下来的是梦和回忆 。大学时光默然逝去,社会纷繁的生活悄然而至,我诚挚的祝你:一帆风顺 。

【99】:同一个校园,记录了同样的青春,同一个年级,记载了同样的情深,同一个班级,记下了同样的友谊,要毕业了,唯有愿你好运连连,工作顺利,鸿图大展,前程似锦 。

【100】:道上的加油,声声回响;教室里的鼓励,句句暖心;宿舍里的调侃,笑翻全场;一起努力的默契,心中流淌 。快乐总是那么短暂,毕业在即,让我们珍存青春,作一辈子的财富吧 。祝你明天更辉煌 。


【101】:Friend, this is close to the friend friendship, not miss a day, two days not see miss very much, a few days not see miss very much, I wish you many fortunes find their way in the New Year, good luck!

【102】:你是快乐的,我就是幸福的,为你付出的,所有都是值得的 。相同的感受,超高的默契度,在校园的每个角落,我们都是最闪亮的组合 。愿你的梦想展翅高飞 。

【103】:First met your mood is sweet, and really mean it when you are dating, and you together of the time is happy, meet you this friend is a complaint or regret.

【104】:This summer, how many, how many people weep and familiar faces, wordless look back of the summer solstice, the separation of the season, the more eager not to summer solstice.

【105】:June is a graduation poem, drawing; June is a golden jade wine, gently into the spleen; June is my tan's arm, deep imprint.

【106】:同窗三年甜蜜生活,是“一串糖葫芦”,那迷人的甜和酸,让人久久回味 。毕业了,分身不分心,祝福你学友,一切顺心如意,特别是爱情要甜蜜蜜哦!

【107】:The river have fish, big fish stream. You did not enter a famous university ideal, but with your intelligence and hard work, believe that four years later still promising, come on!

【108】:用青春定义我们今天的时光,用幸福计算我们灿烂的明天,用永远讨论我们未完成的梦想,用祝你成功设置我们各自不同的理想,同学,毕业,加油 。

【109】:An inch, focused on the poles of the sea; Time and space, the wise man to cold to heat; Are friends, across time situation not changed; Is a bosom friend, the ends of the world remember heart.

【110】:生活已经向我们敞开了胸襟,朋友,让我们勇敢地迎上前去,去尽情地体验它无边无际的壮阔,无穷无尽的幽深吧! 毕业分别了,愿我千万个祝福,时刻陪伴你左右 。相信四年后依旧前途无量,加油!大学毕业祝福语,临毕业给同学发条祝福短信,道声珍重,祝同学四年同窗友谊长存 。

【111】:Parting is temporary, we the friendship between teachers and students will be for a long time, at the moment there is something in the vertical, and hard to express teachers and you goodbye.



【114】:同学挚友,让我再抱抱你,最后轻轻的说声你好,虽然人生难免有聚有散,但你却是我心中,最美丽的记忆 。毕业了,祝福你,前途光明,一帆风顺!

【115】:To graduate, to give you an autograph album, recorded is full of youth; A photo together with you, write down is full of old deep; Send you a short message, bearing is full of sincere blessings, graduated and express my hope for your future, all the best.

【116】:Classmate three years, again to spend a good time; Your help really many, quickly graduated, the in the mind real, clockwork SMS blessing, wish you always happy, happy forever!

【117】:A concern, a greeting, I wish, everything goes well, a sincere, the fierceness of his life, graduation comes, only the blessing, was great, success, prosperity, send other words, often contact.

【118】:在这个阳光热辣的季节里,我们就要离去,为着更好的宴会,更多的热闹 。

